29: Lies

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Author's note:

Hello everyone, I'm back from vacation and will be uploading here again :D

This fanfic will usually end soon, probably in around 5-10 chapters. I will try my best to upload as much as I can in the next few weeks to finish this fanfic.



„ Are you certain plan B will work out? It sounds kinda bad compared to the previous one.", Kokomi said to Mina and Tomo that evening, as everyone else was asleep.
„ I mean it's worth a shot...plan C is definitely the best but you know what they say!", Tomo said, „ Leave the best for last."

„ But yeah, I think you guys should try it out.", Mina said, „ And Kokomi, you're a really good liar. I can often not tell if you're lying or telling the truth."
„ I guess we can try it out and hope it actually might break Kazuha and Heizou up.", Kokomi said.

The plan was that Kokomi and Tomo would go over to Kazuha and spread false information about Heizou. Kokomi was really good at lying, so maybe, Kazuha would actually believe her.

The next morning, everyone had breakfast together. After everyone ate, Kokomi opened her mouth.
„ Tomo and I are visiting the local beach today. Would you guys like to come along?", Kokomi asked.

„ Yeah. I love the beach. I wonder if we will see any lions.", Itto loudly said.
„ Itto...that's the zoo.", Ayato said raising his eyes to heaven. Everyone laughed.

„ We would like to come along.", Childe said, meaning himself and Scaramouche.
„ Same with us.", Thoma said, meaning himself and Ayato.

„ Us too.", Heizou and Kazuha said.
„ Great. The beach is only a 10 minute walk from here.", Kokomi said.

A few minutes later, everyone left to go to the beach. Kazuha and Heizou smiled at each other.
„ Do you wanna swim in the sea with me, pretty boy?", Heizou asked Kazuha.
„ Yeah, of course!", Kazuha said smiling. The couple held hands and ran into the sea. Heizou was holding Kazuha, wrapping his arms around him. They looked so happy together.

„ I just hope there will be a moment where I get to talk to Kazuha. Those two always have to be together.", Kokomi growled.
„ I swear looking at them cringes me.", Tomo growled, „ Kazuha would still like me if he didn't meet that stupid Heizou."

Kokomi sighed.
„ I'll keep an eye out to see whenever Kazuha is alone.", Kokomi said.

Around 2 hours had passed. Kazuha and Heizou weren't swimming anymore. Heizou was reading a webtoon on his phone and Kazuha was listening to Taylor Swift.

After a while, Heizou got up.
„ Are you up for some ice cream?", Heizou asked, „ I saw a stand earlier near here."
„ Duh. Who would say no to ice cream?", Kazuha laughed.
„ Well, what ice cream are you up for?", Heizou asked.

„ I'll take whatever you're having.", Kazuha said smiling, „ As long as it's not mint chocolate."
„ What's the problem with mint chocolate?", Heizou laughed, „ You are tasteless."
„ Shut up.", Kazuha laughed.

Heizou left then. Kazuha continued to listen to music.

Kokomi grinned as she saw that Kazuha was on his own.
„ Tomo, now's my chance.", she said, „ Wish me luck."
„ Good luck. I hope this plan works.", Tomo said.

Kokomi walked up to Kazuha. She fake smiled at him.
„ Hey Kazuha.", she said, „ Mind if I sit here?"

Kazuha took off his headphones and smiled.
„ Hey, yeah sure. Heizou is getting ice cream so he won't be here for a bit.", Kazuha explained.

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