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~50 Years Later~

Amari and Tommy were running in a forest in Montana.  Amari still was amazed at all of the lush greenery that she was able to see.  She felt free.  She looked over at her mate and watched his muscles bunch and relax under his fur as he ran.  Love and admiration filled her heart.  She looked forward again and took a deep breath.  Instantly, the strong scent of flowers filled her nose.  She knew that that was the smell of at least one vampire nearby.  She skid to a halt immediately.

Tommy did the same beside her without having to say anything.  The couple were able to read each other even without words.  Tommy stepped in front of his mate who was growling lowly ready to pounce at any second.  Even after half a century, Amari was still hardwired to go straight into fight mode.

The trees in front of them rustled as two vampires darted out from behind them.  One was small with dark pixie hair and golden eyes.  The other was fairly tall with golden, chin length hair, and bite marks all over him.  The bite marks made Tommy tense even further and step in front of Amari more to make sure she was out of view.

"Hello, I'm Alice.  It's alright, we aren't going to hurt you," the pixie like vampire spoke up.

"Alice, I don't like this."  The blonde vampire stood as tensely as Tommy did.

"It's okay, Jasper.  They are going to be our family."  Alice replied.

This confused Tommy and Amari.  The confusion made Tommy look back at his mate.  Amari new that Tommy was wanting to shift back and talk to these vampires and figure out what it is that they mean.  Amari just huffed her consent.  Tommy looked back at the vampires before going behind a tree to shift back.  Alice continued to smile at Amari.  Her smile was very calming and made Amari relax just a little bit.

"Alright, who are you and what do you want?"  Tommy's voice was gruff as he came to stand beside his mate in a pair of shorts.

Amari calmed even more at her mate's hand on her back tangled in her fur.

"As I said, my name is Alice.  This is my mate Jasper.  I am able to see the future, and I saw that you two would be part of our lives."

"What do you mean?"

"We are on our way trying to find a coven of animal drinker vampires.  That's why our eyes are golden.  We don't hurt people.  This coven is going to be important for us.  I wish I could tell you why, but I don't know myself.  But, I always trust my visions."

This is where Jasper spoke up.  "I know that it sounds crazy, but she is never wrong."

Tommy, for some reason, felt that this was right.  That he and his mate needed to join these vampires.  He didn't know why, which bothered him, but, like Alice and her visions, his instincts had never steered him wrong.  They were what brought him to his Amari.  He was not supposed to initially be part of the group to rescue the camp prisoners, but something told him that he needed to be there.  But, he couldn't do anything without the consent of his love.

Amari looked at Tommy and new that she would follow him anywhere.  She couldn't trust her instincts after the years she spent in the camp, but she would always trust her mate.  She new by his look that he wanted to join Alice and Jasper.  She walked away from her mate and behind a tree to shift as well.  She put on a sports bra and shorts that were tied around her ankle and walked back to Tommy.  She looked him in the eyes, grabbed his hand and squeezed, then looked back at the vampire couple.  Her heart was pounding in her chest and sweat was forming in her palms as she said, "We will join you."

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