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Tommy looked over at the girl sitting next to him, his mate.  She was staring at everyone as they walked by with the other prisoners of the camp clutching his jacket around her like a lifeline.  Her auburn hair fell to her waist in matted clumps. She was covered in dirt and dried blood on her pale skin.  She was shorter than the average female shifter, but Tommy thought it had something to do with her years in captivity.

He watched as her bright blue eyes darted all over the place.  Her breaths were shallow and her muscles were tense.  "What's your name?"

As it had in the arena, her head whipped toward him in fear.  It hurt slightly to see his mate looking at him with such terror, but he couldn't hold it against her.  All she did was stare.  He looked into her deep, expressive eyes and swore that he could get lost in them forever.  He could see her eyes that were once darting all over the arena darting all over his face.  She was taking him in.

"Amari," she whispered.  Her voice was dry and cracked.


Tommy grabbed some water and handed it out to her.  She looked skeptical at it, but then, after a moment, snatched it out of his hands and chugged it.  It was like she was afraid that he was going to take it back from her.  Tommy then realized that that was likely the case.  It only fueled his anger for the disgusting people that ran the camps.  

Amari choking broke him out of his head.  "Careful.  Take slower sips so that you don't choke."

Again, she looked at him skeptically.  She did follow what he said and started taking smaller drinks.  

"Tommy," a gruff older man's voice approached the couple.  Amari flinched away and Tommy, without thinking through his actions, grabbed her hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand.  Amari calmed down instantly and looked back at him missing the slight smile that the new man sent her way.

"Orion," Tommy nodded his head at the older lion shifter.

"Take her home, we've got it here."  Orion gestured to the exit of the arena.

Tommy didn't hesitate to say goodbye and usher Amari out of the hellhole they were in.  He wanted to get her as far away as possible.  They quickly arrived at the temporary home he was staying in.  The first thing that Tommy did was draw a warm bath.

"Here, you can take as long as you need.  I will be out in the kitchen making dinner, okay?"

Amari nodded looking longingly at the warm bath.  Just as he was about to leave the bathroom, Amari, with a stronger voice, said, "Thank you."

"You don't need to thank me, Amari.  I will always help you."  Tommy smiled and gently closed the door.

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