Chapter Seventy Two - Daella

Start from the beginning

I want to believe him, want to believe it is easier to get this over and done with, but my feet don't want to move and my heart won't stop beating out of my chest.

"Come on love." Alvaryn says taking my hand, threading our fingers together he squeezes my hand, standing at my side.

Aeris takes my other hand, our fingers twined together.

I take a deep breath wishing I had their courage.

The sound of the grand doors opening makes me jolt and Alvaryn squeezes my hand again as we walk towards the throne, reminding me that he is there with me, they are both here with me.

There he sits, just as Aeris had said, on his throne, his crown on his head. He wasn't just Demwyn anymore, he was other, above.

We stop in front of the dais, I expect them to let go of my hands but they hold tight. I remind myself to breathe as I meet Demwyn's eyes. His dark green eyes boring down into mine and I can't help but shrink back. He held our future in his hands and he knew it, I could tell he knew it, just in the way he sat in his throne, elbow on the arm of the throne, propping his chin up as he looks down at us.

"Brothers, Miss Daella," He nods at each of us.

"Demwyn." Alvaryn and Aeris nod in reply.

"Your Majesty." I whisper, moving into a low curtsy, the same as I had done for the King.

I stand up, feeling Alvaryn and Aeris watching me but I don't dare take my eyes off Demwyn.

"You have been called here today because you have all made a decision, you have made the decision that you cannot live without one another." Demwyn begins and his words send a shiver through me. "My own brothers have threatened to renounce their crowns and leave the palace and Wyndelle if I do not agree to their terms."

I know they would all be able to hear my heart beat and I will it to slow down, to be quiet but still it races, terrified and waiting for relief.

"Daella, you were bought here, given to us in the offering. During the course of your stay you have managed to form a relationship with not just one, but both of my brothers and now they have given me an ultimatum." He continues painfully slowly. Does he expect me to explain, to defend myself? What was there to say? I had no plan, no intentions. I never expected anything like this to happen. How could I explain something I was still struggling to understand?

Demwyn sighs heavily, straightening in his throne as he sits upright, the crown on his head catching my eye as it reflects a stream of sunlight and the gold sparkles softly.

"While I do not understand or agree to your reasons for the decisions each of you have made, I know that I cannot afford to lose my brothers." The words reach my ears and I blink, is he saying what I think he is?

Aeris hand twitches against mine as Alvaryn's tightens.

"I will agree to your terms and allow both of you to marry Daella when the war is over."

My heart stutters, then starts again, beating even faster than before, how is that even possible?

"But I have my own terms." He says leaning forward. "From this time going forward both of you will stand with me, you will be at my side for every council meeting, you will follow my lead and you will both let go of this grudge you hold on to."

Aeris looks to Alvaryn who nods subtly.

"I agree to those terms." Alvaryn says first.

Aeris looks down at me, fingers pressing against mine and nods once.

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