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It was the night a woman was seen in the distance entering a bush a little farther from the settlement. In a village known as Mteka Village, the woman was wearing a long black robe walking in slow motion while whispering words that no one could hear well and understand, two young men were looking at the woman decided to start secretly following her without the woman knowing or feeling anything, she continued to enter in the bush and the darkness continued to increase as they continued to go, One young man had a bigger appearance than his counterpart whispered in a very small voice "Why does the mother continue to go in the dark without fear and she doesn't have a torch too is she not tired of whispering?".

Before his companion could answer him suddenly they saw the light of the fire they were so shocked and looking at the woman, they saw the daughter of their age was so beautiful that no young man could bear the beauty of that daughter. the daughter holding a large burning stick that the light that was coming from it was shining and making things look like shadows, the young men could see the abundance of darkness around them was greater than the light that was dim before them, in great turmoil as they trembled like people in the midst of a bitter cold.

They heard the sister's voice say to them "Why are you coming from far with all this darkness?" as she slowly approached them the young men were retreating in fear, the girl continued to say "You have reached the end you have to move forward now the journey is still long..." The young men continued to retreat.
The girl stood up the sign that she was waiting for them, the young men held hands as people learning to walk and began to move forward and continued with their journey.

The young men felt better to stay silent middle of journey they heard noises in the distance that indicated that someone needed immediate help they wanted to go and the daughter said to them "You are not worthy of what you want to go to see it is better not to go", the young people were so shocked the girl had to know what they were thinking! They looked at each other and continued with the journey it was eight hours they asked for rest as they were very tired.

The daughter agreed to rest but they were given one condition that they should not be subjected to sleep as it is nearing the time of not speaking so she will not be able to wake them.When they were resting, the wind was so strong as to turn off the light that was helping them see the daughter smiled and said to them "don't be afraid, I know Juma likes dark things but does this scare you?" Juma was so shocked he asked himself "how do you know my name?" the daughter went on to say I know all of you that is why I came to receive you when you arrived at the main gate.

The young men were still afraid, but Moses was asked the girl in a gentle voice "What gate?" The daughter was not interested in Moses' question so she decided to stay silent without giving any answer for a while and then said "because Juma wants to know then I will answer you who do not have good language, when you failed to see a person you were following then that was the main gate and now you have entered the main gate so be peaceful no one will visit you just after the terms".

It was a moment of silence the daughter stood to signal that it was time to leave there was no light, but their eyes were accustomed to the darkness, they felt the girl standing all stood and followed the beautiful daughter for about three hours they arrived in a light-soaked area like daylight there was an indescribable beauty and many people, everyone was busy doing, The girl took them to a room on the edge of a large house that looked like a large leader's house.

And sayed this will be your room you will be sleeping here and living here I will be your host, and the conditions you will be given and all the work you are instructed to do to live here in peace. He asked, "Can we sleep now?" Rahiza answered yes you can but not at all but since you are not working now you can sleep, Moses asked where was the woman we were going to find her? Rahiza told her when you wake up you will see her in a large house you saw before you went inside. Rahiza decided to leave so that Juma and Moses could rest.

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