chapter eighty seven

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At a young age, Nora tended to ignore the fact she didn't care to learn about the dark lord and how things can get very bad very quickly. She was naive to think she would have a life of her own after Hogwarts, have a husband, have a house in the middle of nowhere with three kids, Henrietta, Carrie and Louise, one named after her favourite book, and the other from the muggle author that wrote little women. Noras favourite bird growing up was named Henrietta before she witnessed Bellatrix kill it in front of her, cringing every time she thought of that name.

As much as she could name her children, Elara, Cassiopeia, Lyra, Millicent, she had no sentimental meaning towards them, wanting to be a little bit different as those could be their middle names, keeping them with the constellations and still be a true black.

It was dumb for her thinking that would ever happen, fast forward to sitting at a bed in the hospital wing, severely injuring herself after a potion that went terribly wrong, nearly falling to the ground after the fumes hit her in the face, relying on Atticus to take care of her; however the floor did instead.

Laying on the bed and being dramatic, Nora was cleared five hours ago, however she didn't want to leave in the middle of the night, trying to get some sleep and get to leave early morning. It was quite peaceful in the hospital wing, hearing a little bit of music from the slightly-closed door of Madame pomfreys private space.

The moon was peeking through the windows as she noticed the stars shine ever so brightly, the moon being crescent today, relieved to see it not be a full moon for once.  Nora wondered what if would be like to be a healer, like Madame pomfrey, taking care of those in needed didn't seem all bad, except when it was an open wound, she wouldn't be much help.

It was really a hit or miss for Nora, ever since she sat at that quidditch game with Dumbledore all she could think about was her future. She hated the one she knew was going to happen. By the looks of this, she'd be dead by 21, betraying Dumbledore and suddenly dying at the hands of an auror, not even sending her to Azkaban.

Her future felt nonexistent, she wasn't going to be safe after Hogwarts, her mother could only do so much, and with her ties with the death eaters, she won't ever get away from them. Running away went do her any good, already a key part in the dark lord and already sacrificed herself just for her brother, she was fucked from left, right and centre.

Her lips went into a tight fine line as she pretended to be sleeping when the doors opened, trying to not make any sudden movements; being the only one in the hospital wing at this time. The beds here felt more comfortable than her dorms, and her feet don't hang over, a plus for her very cold feet.

As much as Nora tried to pretend to sleep, she did find her mind finally shut down for her to get four hours, suddenly waking again when the sun began to rise, being nearly six in the morning. Feeling better and getting off the bed, Nora slipped her feet into the slippers she brought, scratching her head as she existed the hospital wing.

She didn't know who came last night, and she might not ever know, heading back to her dorms, taking the easy route to not waste any more times. She wish she had a robe; being fairly cold this morning, feeling like the outside. It was always chilly, however too cold for own liking.

There was nobody in the common room, no fire cracking, no music, complete and dead silence. It felt weird, heading up her stairs and to see her room door slightly opened, cracking it all the way. Cassie was the only one to be awake, turning away from her mirror and smiling at Nora, happy to se her.

IN RUINS- James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now