Chapter Sixteen

Começar do início

"I skate too," Kirsi reminded him. "Our coaches told us today that if I want to stay on the team, I can't go on any more vacations."

Winter smiled, impressed with his sister's lie. She was becoming good at manipulating, which could either go very badly or go very well, depending on how she decided to use that ability.

Bryce and Antoinette exchange a glance. "It would mean we wouldn't have to deal with her," Bryce said. "I must admit, it's nice not having to see Winter when we're in France."

Winter kept his face neutral, trying not to seem too offended. After all, he had the same opinion of his parents that they had of him.

"It is," Antoinette agreed. She glanced at Kirsi. "We'll let you stay on one condition."

"Okay . . . what's the condition?"

"You don't let whoever you'll be staying with brainwash you," Antoinette instructed. "You will always be a de Glace, and your loyalties will always be to the company and then the family."

Winter resisted the urge to roll his eyes. That was such a de Glace thing to say. Just agree, Winter mouthed to his sister. You don't have to mean it.

"Fine," Kirsi said, though she didn't sound particularly convincing.

"Good," Bryce said, sounding happier than Winter had ever heard him. "Well, if you two don't have any further business, you can go."

Winter and Kirsi looked at each other, then back at their parents. "We'll leave, then," Winter announced.

"Go right ahead. We're glad to be rid of you for a while." Bryce reached across the couch and high-fived his wife.

Winter's parents high fived.

The two most stuck-up, rude people who didn't like to have any fun, high fiving.

The world had clearly turned upside down.

Winter grabbed Kirsi's arm and led her out the door, not needing to say anything more to his family. He probably wouldn't like their responses.

"I can't believe that worked," Kirsi said.

"I can. Our parents are the worst. Do you need anything before we go to Icebreakers?"

Kirsi considered. "No. Everything of value is there."

"All your clothes and stuff?"


"Come on, then. Should we walk, take the subway, or call someone to pick us up?"

Kirsi glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's late," she said. "I want to get home in time for dinner."

Winter smiled at the fact that his sister had called Icebreakers her home instead of Chateau de Glace. "I'll call Iclyn," he said. "Though honestly, it might be faster to take the subway."

"Let's take the subway, then," Kirsi said as they rounded a corner into the foyer. Winter grabbed his bag from where he'd left it on the floor, and they exited the mansion. Winter didn't bother to look back.

"Welcome," Lumi said, grinning as she opened the door to her family's apartment before Winter could even knock. "I'll be seeing a lot of you. I don't know if I should be pleased or not. You're pretty annoying."

On the Edge of the Blade: Book OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora