Chapter 34

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I was talking to Draco as I had my arm around Pansy as we talked about the tri wizard tournament

"You'd so win if you could enter." Pansy says and I chuckle

"I doubt it but thank you." I say as Draco rolls his eyes

"I could win you know." He says almost jealous and I chuckle

"Draco you can't even go to the muggle world because your scared you'll catch muggle." I say and Draco makes an annoyed sound


"He's you know who's son, of course he's win imagine all the dark magic he can ask his dad to give him so he can." Pansy says leaning her head on my shoulder and I look at Draco for a bit of help

"Pansy you know Thomas and his father's relationship isn't the best." Draco says and Pansy looks up at me

"Sorry did I make you uncomfortable?" She asks pouting  her lip out I just shake my head

"No of course not, I just don't want to talk about my father beautiful." I say as i kiss her nose then I look behind me and see Hermione staring at me again she seems to stare at me and Pansy a lot, who confuses me, sometimes I feel like she looks like Pansy when Pansy is jealous. But no Hermione wouldn't be jealous

Like why would Hermione be jealous? I don't get it how she's acting isn't how she normally acts at all she glares at Pansy, and her and Pansy fight every time they are alone together or forced to work together in potions

I get Pansy but Hermione? I don't get at all

I get drawn out of my thoughts as Pansy kisses me and I chuckle

"Sorry I was lost in my thoughts do you need something?" I ask and Pansy shakes her head

"Just your attention." She says and I smile at her as I look back at Hermione who still looked jealous? Maybe? That's the emotion I see on her

'I don't get it why would Hermione ever be jealous about anything?'

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