Chapter 26

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You were making dinner like every evening

You can't do much as a prisoner in this house so you just cook and clean and do other stuff to keep yourself busy

Tom just says your back to being a wife which no you like to keep yourself busy which is why you would always do this kind of things

If you didn't you'd wouldn't do this and force Tom to do it all

But you definitely do more when Thomas is home

Tom walks over and smirks at you as you don't look at him and just mindlessly focus as you cut up some vegetables

"Don't cut yourself." Tom says scaring you that you almost cut your finger and then you glare at him "What?" Tom asks as you just go back to cutting up the vegetables for dinner

Tom watched you until he got bored and walked off

And once dinner was ready you go up to his office

"Tom dinner is ready." You say and he smiles and gets up

"Great your such a good wife my love." He says and you nod and walk off as he was getting really fed up with this 'She can't keep acting like this I will change her back to my loving wife.' Tom thinks as he watches you and smiles 'She will love me again even if I have to force her because she's mine forever.' Tom thinks as he his smiles turns into a smirk


Tom walks up behind you as you were cleaning and starts kissing your neck

"Tom stop I need to clean." You say and Tom throws what you had in your hands away

"That is not happening your gonna do exactly as I say, and you will love me again." Tom says and you hated how he made you feel love still you don't wanna love this toxic asshole

But you do

'I'm stuck with him so I might as well just be with him normally again, or we'll as normal as you can get to being with Tom riddle.'

Tom riddles wifeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ