Chapter 12

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I asked the diary all the questions I wanted and saw all the secrets my mother has been hiding from me and saw just how in love they were but my dad wanted immortality more then love

He said if I do something we can be an actual happy family and that he's realized power isn't anything I wanted a dad so badly and if he's changed I should give him a chance right?

I hid the diary from my mom because she'd burn it if she found it

I know I'm supposed to hate my dad and I do but I just want to be loved by him as well I think any child wants that

And my mom has been confused on the constant questions of my dad I've been asking  "Thomas you know I'll answer all your questions about Tom but why so many?" Mom asks and I shrug

"Since the whole school now hates me I guess I might as well know everything about the man who is responsible right?" I say and my mom sighs

"What you wanna know I'm an open book." Mom says and I wanted to ask her so many things but some she'd figure out I know about the diary and find it and then burn it and she can't burn it

I asked my mom questions and she answered most of them she's still keeping secrets from me! And I asked her some questions I asked my dad and she lied why does she keep lying to me!!! or maybe my dad lied? But he showed proof that he was telling the truth

Why does she tell half truths?

I don't know who to believe I'm so confused

"Look Tom is the worst person on the planet and I made the mistake of ever trying to be with him, your the only good thing that came out of me being with him, but your not his son your my son Thomas and I love you." My mom say and I smile

"I love you too mom." I say hugging her and she smiles and kisses my forehead

'The whole truth will hurt him so much, how can I tell him everything he wants to know, especially things that may traumatize him from hearing it, I just want Thomas to live a normal life and I'll never get that.'


My friends have also disappeared apparently they had the book for awhile before even giving it to me they don't even wanna be my friend anymore they are keeping secrets from me

Draco walks over as I was sitting all alone "Where's your friends riddle." He says and I look over

"They ditched me I guess they finally started to fear me just like everyone else." I say and Draco smiles at me

"I'll be your friend you don't need them I won't be scared of you I actually think your interesting. Son of the dark lord and heir of Slytherin I know we'd make great friends." Draco says and he puts his hand out and I take it "I think I can help you as well and unlike Harry Potter when I asked him to be friends you made the right choice Thomas."

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