Chapter 6

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Thomas gave you the ring saying someone gave it to him as a Christmas gift and you gasp so shocked when you see it

"Thomas this is your fathers ring and the weird thing is he was wearing it the night he died so I don't know how it's here." You say and Thomas nods now it all being confirmed it was his father who sent the gift

'Why would he send me something I don't get it? He doesn't care for me at all I know that he hates me'

|Time skip again because I'm a lazy bitch and I don't care because I accept I'm lazy|

You walk in on Harry and see Quirrell with what you guess is toms face on his head

You walk over and grab Harry and push him behind you and tom smirks "Ah my lovely wife has joined us what a nice surprise how's our son." He says and you glare at him

"Better without you around, now touch Thomas and I will kill you, also shocked you got by the illusion of me dying." You say holding your wand out as you gesture for Harry to run but just as you did fire surrounds the stairs so you both couldn't leave

"It was so hard but I did it." He says and you roll your eyes

"Leave." You say and tom laughs

"I need that stone don't you want me back." He says walking closer and you shake your head

"No, because your not the man I fell in love with." You say and Tom frowns so you go and punch him in the face which felt good

Quirrell then pushes you to the side as you fall down the stairs knocking you out as you hit your head on the stairs all you heard was Tom yelling at Quirrell for hurting you

"Stupid I said don't touch her if she comes!"

You then were waking up in the hospital wing and Thomas was crying "Mom I'm sorry it's my fault I shouldn't have told you what they were doing." Thomas says and you kiss his forehead

"Don't worry I'm guessing everything is fine now." You say and then McGonagall explains everything and you nod

"But mom why did you go alone!" Thomas yells angry and you sigh

"I'm an adult Thomas I can do things like that alone you are a child you go to an adult if you think something bad is happening." You say and Thomas frowns

"But adults don't believe us so we end up having to take it into our own hands!" Thomas says and you kiss his forehead

"Everything is fine now Thomas." You say and he nods

"I can't lose you, mom." He says and you pull him into a hug


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