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-time skip to 9 months-

smg4's pov:

while 3 and i were home, minding our own business, i

was upstairs and he was downstairs.

"i'm already 9 months pregnant, so any day now till
our new family member arrives. my stomach has
gotten so big and rlly heavy. 3's been having to help me
get around the house lately." i said to myself, rubbing
my stomach at the same time.

i walked over to the restroom and started feeling really

bad cramps. i felt something splash onto the floor

loudly. i gasped and the pain started getting worse. i

looked down and realized that it was my water that just


"shit, shit, SHIT! JAMES, THE BABY'S COMING!!" i yelled in horrible pain.

i put one of my hands on the counter and the other on

my stomach. i groaned in horrible pain i js now got in. 

the baby was kicking more harder than before, causing

me to yell in pain bc of how horrible it hurts in my

stomach. i heard 3 rush upstairs to the restroom i was

in as fast as a heartbeat. when 3 entered, he saw me

clenching my stomach bc of how overwhelmed i was by

the pain.

"4, do u think it's time!?" 3 asked me while panicking. i
looked at him with anger and pain in my eyes.

"YES U DUMBASS ITS TIME!!" i said and clenched my
stomach in pain.

3 started panicking, but realized how much pain i'm in.

he helped me sit down on the floor.

"alright 4, sit on the floor for a little bit i'm gonna get a
bath ready for u so that u don't get any blood or
anything on the floor." he said. i nodded.

i sat down and started hypervenalating. i was really

scared to give birth bc i've never done it before. i felt

like passing out bc i keep losing my breath from all the

pain i'm in.

3 turned over to me and said,

"keep breathing 4; i'm gonna help u deliver our baby,
just u and i," i was shocked by his words.

i looked at him like he was going insane/high asf and


OUR BA- AH FUCK NGHH" i clenched my stomach.

the pain started getting worse and worse by the

second. i clenched my stomach even more and groaned

in pain.

"okay babe, grab my hand" 3 said and offered his hand
out for me.

3 helped me from off the ground and helped me get in.

i got on my knees and started breathing rapidly as the

pain started to get worse.

smg3's pov:

i started rubbing 4's back to make the contractions

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