Chapter IV

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"Hello? Who's this?"

Even though they both made the active decision to call somebody, they were still shocked to the core to hear someone actually pick up the phone.

Mingi instinctively threw the phone two feet away from him, leaving San to scramble behind it and hastily press 'end call' before the situation could get any worse.

"Dude what's wrong with you?!" San was so frustrated with Mingi, why couldn't the taller be fucking normal.

"San relax, he won't even know it's us! Just someone doing a prank call or some shit.." Mingi tried to reason with San.

"Yea, very coincidentally the day he gives out his number to someone, right. And that someone being me!" Mingi couldn't even retaliate anything to that, he knew he fucked up big time in San's eyes.

"Ugh, now I have to call him and make things right again. Whose stupid idea was this in the first place?!" San cried out, hands kneading through his hair frustratedly. Mingi knew better than to tell San it was his own idea, he was riled up enough already.

Instead he suggested they play some actual bowling to cool off the air and at least make some use of their time there.

The two heroes wrapped up their bowling night after playing a couple rounds, San winning every time, of course. He tried extra hard not to let his pride be trampled on anymore tonight and at least gain some self respect back by winning strike after strike.

Afterwards he drove Mingi home, long sober from the nerve wrecking events, sending him off with a "Thanks for the shitty time, see you next week!" After which Mingi went in to hug San tightly like he always did and San reluctantly hugging back, like he always did.

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The next morning San woke up bright and early to get his workout done before work. He went down to the kitchen about to mix his protein shake when he couldn't stop eyeing his phone.

Would it be weird to call Wooyoung this early in the morning? Or should he just text him?

He wanted to clear the air as soon as possible and not live with the embarrassment any longer, having too much on his mind already.

So he picked up his phone and punched the number in rather aggressively, taking a deep breath in and-
throwing his phone away the same way Mingi did last night.

'I'll just do it later, whatever' he lied to himself and went down to his home gym, immersing himself in his workout to ignore his thoughts altogether.

It was 3PM currently and San had a busy day arresting ten criminals and rescuing five people from dangerous situations so far.

Right now he was taking a breather in his car after stopping an armed bank robbery with multiple hostages involved. Even though he successfully managed to take the assailants out and de-escalate the situation, it was still dangerous. He was lucky nobody died on his watch so far, but even coming close to such incidents really messed with his head.

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