Chapter 27 (Tanner): That Whole Scene

Start from the beginning

"I'll keep it in mind, but let's hold off on all vehicular felonies until absolutely necessary, Ez."

"You're no fun, Tanner," she grumbled as I transferred Liora into her arms.

"Jude, get in the car with Mommy, please."

My boy shot Mindy a look -- didn't they say dogs and children could sense evil? -- and walked close beside Esme to the SUV. Once Jude had climbed up into his booster seat and Ez had Liora strapped in, I turned back to Mindy.

"Why are you here?"

"I need money, Tanner. I'm in trouble."

I just looked at her. She looked back at me.

"And? I'm still waiting to hear why you're here," I prompted after the silence continued.

"You owe me. You've kept me on the hook for years."

"Bye." I turned to my SUV.

"I'll tell my side of the story, Tanner," she called after me. "The heir apparent, future CEO of your family's business, got divorced because he let his ex suck his dick."

"Do what you want, Mindy. Just stay away from me and my family or I'll get a restraining order."

"I mean it, Tanner. If you don't give me money to keep quiet, I'll tell the press. That won't look good for you or your family's company. Imagine the scandal I could cause that could have been avoided if you'd just paid me twenty thousand dollars. You'd never even miss it and you could keep your reputation."

"You're fucking delusional, you know? Already lost everything I cared about, so go ahead, do what you want, but you're not getting any money from me."

"Tanner, I'm in serious trouble with some people you don't mess with. I've been working as a waitress at the Lair," she said, as if that explained things. At my blank look, she continued. "It's a biker bar half an hour from here. I don't make enough money as a waitress to maintain the lifestyle I need --"

"That's your problem."

"They might hurt me," she said. "I think they've figured out I've been stealing from the drawer."

"Well, again, at the risk of repeating myself, that's your problem."

"Are you kidding me, Tanner? You don't care what they might do to me?"

"No. Not in the slightest. In fact, if it keeps you out of my life and away from my family and me, I might write them a thank you note. If you're so worried about what they're going to do to you, I suggest you take that out-of-town job to get away from whoever since you aren't getting a dime from me."

"There is no job out of town! I just told Trent that so he'd help me get to you. I swear to God I'll go to the press if you don't give me the money I'm asking for. The tabloids would pay me for my story."

"Did you know that blackmail is illegal?" Esme stepped from behind the  SUV, phone up in her hand. "I got the whole exchange recorded, Tanner. I sent it to you and your mom, too."

"You bitch!" Mindy hissed at my wife.

"I think you're confused with which one of us that term applies to," Ez said mildly.

My phone chimed with a text and I looked at it, suspecting who it was. "Mom texted. She said I told you that filth was a gold digger."

"She always thought the worst of me!"

"Get the fuck out of here, Mindy," I said to her. "I ever see you again, I'll get the police involved, and I have the recording to back up the need for a restraining order."

"I could be dead the next time you see me."

"Trust me when I say I wouldn't attend your funeral so I'm hoping there won't be a next time, dead or not."

"I stole from an MC, Tanner. They aren't going to let this go!"

"Well, good luck with them. Ready to go, Ez?"

"Tanner!" Mindy shouted as I walked Ez to her side of the car and helped her in. Then I crossed in front of the car and got into the driver's seat.

"Tanner!" she shouted again.

I rolled down my window. "Do you hear that? Sounds like some motorcycles headed this way."

She looked toward the street, and I backed away while she was distracted.

"There were no motorcycles," Ez laughed softly when we were out on the street.

"Sorry about that whole scene," I apologized.

Esme looked out the windshield. "Are all our dates going to be this dramatic?"

It took me a second. Did she just say what I thought she said? 

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