Chapter 45 - Thank You, My Soul

Start from the beginning


"It's really bad, but..." Kitt groaned as he looked around, the fire spreading throughout the buildings, stirring smoking in the air, "With what we know, most of the survivors should be safe now. At least we have a Disaster Alleviation branch to take care of the rest."

Omari sighed, "So much drama all of a sudden...why?" His hollow cheeks sunk even further.

As Kitt was about to speak, Machida spoke up, "It's just a theory, but it could be this thing here." He crossed his arms as he faced the pitch-black curtain. Omega stood still in front of it.

"Steele told me about this curtain that was raised over the city, saying that it 'hid everything it had to offer'. Somehow, we never saw it. Maybe...this chaos is what it had to offer as well."

Omari looked away from them and groaned, "You said the survivors were safe. How many have...died?"

"Nobody's counted yet—"

"At least 500." A new voice entered with a gust of wind. Wings retracted into his back as he settled on the ground.

"The Angel." Machida murmured, "Don't tell me you're also planning on fighting."

Ael looked over to Omega, then back at Machida. He began walking towards Omega as everyone watched in silence. Omega still stared at the curtain. Ael leaned down to his ear and whispered, "Lans."

Omega didn't respond.

"It's pointless. It's out of your reach. There is nothing you can do."

Omega's wide eyes pulled away from the curtain forcefully, meeting Ael's. Ael's brows lowered as he leaned closer in. His breath laid upon Omega's face.

"There's no more running from this. It's time for you to wake up." Ael gripped his shoulder. Omega's lips parted slightly and he slowly turned back to the curtain. Then Ael spoke up, "Enjo Omaron."

Omari's brows furrowed, "What about him?" He asked.

"He was able to receive treatment rather quickly, by the most professional healers. It's rather rare that they have to use their abilities. He's on his way."

"What!?" Kitt exploded from the background, "He's gonna die! He can't move like that!"

Ael squinted harshly at him, "I...acknowledge your concern." He then turned to Omari, "You must be his...' father'."

Omari lowered his chin and grumbled, "Yes." They stared at each other for a while. Ael's shiny eyes scanned his lanky frame.

"You are dying."

"Aren't we all?" Omari responded immediately.

Ael looked down at his hand.

"Perhaps." He took a long breath, "Is it your...humanity that will kill you?"

"You're not making sense."

"I am different than you, but will I age in the same way?"

"Artificials are just copies of the human. The only difference is your name."

Ael squinted again, "Hmph," he said as his back bulged out, exploding into a pair of wings. "Is that so." He flew off with a gust of wind, leaving the four of them silent.

An explosive pair of footsteps could be heard running down the street.


"Maybe I can still—just maybe—"

The door swung open with force as Uyama ran out to the grassy yard, his legs shaking from his pumping blood. He looked onward with a hopeful smile.

His smile faded. 

There's no sun.

The adrenaline coursing through his body faded away as the sounds of destruction behind him ensued. He looked down at his body as an ocean of pain drowned him. His clothes were soaked. His lungs felt rigid as he breathed. He turned to the building. The crumbling walls collapsed to the ground, blowing dust in his relaxed face. In the storm of dust, Uyama could see Steele's silhouette.

"I should not have taken you so lightly. You pushed me—" Steele coughed as the dust settled, revealing him in the form of a wolf, "—far too much. There's something I don't understand. Why did you..."

A smile rose on Uyama's face as he looked up at the dark ceiling.

Uyama blinked and found himself in his apartment. He stood in the corner of the dining room. The smell of bacon permeated from the kitchen.

Ah. It's this vision again, He thought as he stared at the chairs at the table. All three were empty. He stared forward, his eyes dulling.

That's all, then?

Slowly, the chairs were pulled out from the table, except for one.

Yeah, there we go...

Omega and Enjo appeared, smiling with plates of hot eggs and bacon.


They began speaking with each other inaudibly, while the third chair stayed empty. He watched them from afar, laughing and eating as the sun shone brightly through the window.

Uyama placed his hand on his chest,

"Thank you, my soul."

Uyama blinked again, greeted by the sound of clanking steel, followed by pattering footsteps. He looked down from the sky.

"Your eyes."

Uyama's eyes held themselves wide open, gleaming bluish-green as they stared at Steele.

"Your eyes see too much." Steele blankly muttered as he raised his paw, transforming into a large scythe.

A cold feeling enveloped Uyama's chest as his smile stretched from ear to ear.


Omega stared at the pillar of darkness before him as a voice yelled out.

"Omega! Hey~!" Enjo yelled as he ran down the street, waving his hands with a smile.

Omega turned to watch his figure get closer, his mouth still slightly agape.

A shifting sound came to his ear. He turned back to the curtain.


Omega watched as the curtain began to fall, the sound of crumbling debris filled back into the atmosphere.

It's going away...

As the darkness began fading away, he caught a wolf's gaze as it stood still in front of the destruction. He looked down.

A body lay there, a gaping hole in his chest, a smile still painted on his face.

Omega's breath weighed on his body. He felt himself collapse under his shaking legs.


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