Fish Out of Water (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Emma: has a slightly disgusted look on her face. "What's she doing walking out with Zane?" Shakes her head and leans forward. "She probably just bumped into him and she's being polite."

"Denial," Kim sang.

"That's the worst excuse I've ever heard of," Ash said. "Ugh, again with the excuses?" Emma groaned. "Sounds more like a fantasy than an excuse," Annette said.

"Why would I go to a romance movie alone?" Rikki squinted.

Cleo: "Rikki's never polite."

"Ain't that the truth," Lewis laughed. "I can be polite," Rikki frowned. "Since when?" Lewis scoffed. "She's nice to me," Elliot said, defending his friend. "So, you can be nice to a kid but not nice to your friend?" Lewis raised an eyebrow. "That's because he's a lot more likable than you," Rikki smirked as Lewis acted offended.

[All smiles, Zane wraps an arm around Rikki, and she embraces him as they continue walking through the lobby. Cleo and Emma's eyes widen. They continue watching the two in shock as they leave the theater.]

"You guys truly are friends. Spying on them during their dates, just not under the usual circumstances," Lisa chuckled. "We could have found out in a better way. We didn't take it very well finding it out like that," Cleo winced, thinking of their reaction. "I was going to tell you, I just didn't think you would find out so soon," Rikki admitted. "So how bad does this get?" Terry asked, wanting to get a heads up. "Pretty bad," Rikki sighed.


[The next day at school, Emma, Cleo and Lewis walk down the hallways heading for their next class.]

Emma: "Lewis, have you seen Rikki this morning?"

"Zane again?" Terry theorized. "Yeah," Rikki bit back a blush. "For someone who was trying to keep a secret, you weren't so good at keeping it a secret," Ash chuckled. "Well, it's not easy being in two places at once," Rikki countered.

Lewis: "No. Why, what's going on?"

"Just a whole lot of drama," Bella muttered.

"Just because I'm not there doesn't mean I was wreaking havoc, Lewis," Rikki shook her head. "Not all the time," Lewis said.

Cleo: "We want you to tell us everything you know about Rikki and Zane."

"What would he know?" Zane scoffed. "A lot more than you think. I'm very observant," Lewis grinned.

Lewis: "Let me think. Uh, Rikki, yeah, she's smart and sassy. At first, I – I found her quite prickly. But no, there's certainly a soft side to her. As for Zane – Zane's just a spoiled, rich kid, who needs to buy himself a brain." The three of them begin to walk down the stairway, with Emma following behind.

"Wow, that describes Rikki pretty well, I say so myself," Terry admitted a bit impressed.

"Well, you got one part right, the other, however ...," Rikki tilted her head. "No, no. I'm pretty sure I got Zane right there. He might not be as bad now but he was very stupid back then," Lewis mentioned. Zane shrugged. "He's not wrong."

Cleo: "Well, they're dating."

Lewis: pauses in his step for a moment before continuing and burst into laughter. "I'm afraid that's not possible. Rikki and Zane are sworn enemies."

"Well, you know the saying. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer," Annette laughed. "That is not what it means!" Emma, Cleo, Lewis, and unsurprisingly Terry shouted. "If that were the case, we'd have Denman on a leash," Lewis mumbled as he scowled at the biologist.

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