"Here." Matthew showed his man the plate, but like the greasy man he was, Jiwoong pretended like his hands were tired.

"Feed me."

Matthew rolled his eyes. Of course, who was he kidding?

"Here." He picked a piece with a fork. But Jiwoong objected again.

"With your mouth."

"Hyung!" Matthew scolded, "Can you not?"

"Nope." The older male was adamant, "We've been away for so long, let me at least be cheesy."

"Fine." Matthew picked a piece of strawberry and held a small portion in between his teeth. As he approached, Jiwoong took the other end in his lips with a smile. Matthew closed his eyes, feeling Jiwoong bite on the poor strawberry, touching his lips in the process. For sure, he liked it, but he pretended like it was a stupid idea.

"Hmm, I needed it." Jiwoong happily ate that strawberry. They had to repeat the process a few more times, but after that, Jiwoong was eating normally. Matthew took the chance and leaned in his chest, Jiwoong immediately took him in the lap.

"How long are you gonna stay here?" Asked the younger.

"Until they return and start working again."


"Will you go on a home date with me tomorrow? At my place?" Jiwoong asked, "We can buy stuff and cook together."

Matthew smiled. He realized why the other proposed a home date. At this time around, it would be too risky to see him with someone else.

"Hm, why not?" He replied. Jiwoong knew him well. He could tell Matthew was thinking about something. So he pulled his lover's face and pressed a long kiss on his lips before asking, "Are you bothered by something?"

"No." Matthew smiled.

"You are." Jiwoong saw through his man, "What is it, babe? Can you tell me?"

"It's so stupid." Matthew laughed, "I mean, I know there's nothing, but I... I don't like when I see those tweets."

"Tweets?" The gears in Jiwoong's brain was running, "About me and my other lead?"


"Oh..." Jiwoong thought about how to say it in the best way. Just saying 'Matthew, you know I only love you' might sound like he wasn't giving validation to the other's feelings.

"I know it's stupid." Matthew chuckled, "And the drama didn't even start airing. So I should really prepare myself."

"Do you feel jealous or insecure?" Jiwoong asked, carefully.

"No... But, I don't want to share you with anyone."

Jiwoong pulled his lover in a hug. "Matthew, my most precious human being. Even if the world thinks another way, know that I only think about you." He scooped the other's face and spoke looking at his eyes, "I know it's hard, but can you please not look at those tweets? Can you look at our memories instead? Think about how much this man loves you?"

Matthew couldn't but smile, it was a smile of relief. He grabbed Jiwoong in a hug, "I'm sorry I can't control my emotions, babe. I promise, I'll try to be positive about it." He pecked the other's cheek, "I love you."

Jiwoong put the fruit plate aside, then pushed Matthew on the bed and got on top of him. He gave two small kisses on those lips and then went down to his man's neck. His hand gently caressed the skin on Matthew's cheeks. He didn't plan on going wild, but he needed to show the extent of his love. So he kept showering Matthew with kisses, on his neck, cheeks and lips. He did it until he felt too tired to move. The entirety of Matthew was filled with traces of Jiwoong, and he hugged the man in his chest. He also put a few kisses on Jiwoong's temple, but found that the elder had fallen asleep.

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