Red Herring (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Emma: "That's not being predictable. That's just good health sense."

Rikki: "And my role in this conversation ends now." Begins sipping her juice from a straw.

"I think that means yes, Emma. You are predictable," Lewis chuckled.

Cleo: "You know what I think? I think our lives have gotten so nutty lately. It's nice to have a normal person we can rely on."

"But you're not normal. You grow tails from just a drop of water," Denman chuckled shaking her head. "Is anyone normal?" Will questioned. "Everyone's different in many ways," Max commented.

"Nutty is an understatement. It's insane. But in a good way, I think," Kim smiled at her sister.

"Cleo, none of us are considered normal, not even the clean freak," Rikki said, both her and Emma laughing.

Emma: deflates a little. "I'm predictable."

Cleo: "That's not what I meant."

"That's how it sounded," Emma responded.

Rikki: to Emma. "'The sun and Emma.' I know what this is about."

Emma: "This has got nothing to do with Byron."

Rikki: "Mm-hmm."

"If it didn't, you wouldn't have let it get to your head," Bella said. "Or your hair," Cleo added as Emma huffed, trying her best to ignore her and Rikki's giggling. Once again, the Gilbert family looks at the trio in confusion. Why do they keep mentioning hair? Neil thought with a frown.

"Still think it's a compliment," Will shrugged. "Then you're not very good at them either," Bella grinned.

Emma: "You two just confirmed it for me. I'm sick of being dependable Emma. I need a change." She looks out for a moment before a smile graces her face as a bright (red) idea came to her mind. "I'm going to color my hair."

"Emma? The same girl who studies on weekends and cleans her shoes weekly? Hah, yeah right. What are you going to do, dye it red?" Zane laughed. Then again, he did see a red-haired mermaid that same day. Could that have been her? Nah! Emma's not the kind of girl to have a rebellious streak. There's no way she would do it!

Neil and Lisa look at her in shock. "Emma!" "You wanted to dye your hair? Is this some kind of rebellious faze?" Neil asked Lisa who shrugged. "No, dad. I just wanted a change. I wanted to try it and see how I felt about it," Emma replied.

"Em, there's no way you would've done that. I don't believe it. The Emma I know is such a goody-two-shoes. You follow the rules so much you make some of them up yourself," Elliot shook his head. "Well believe it squirt. She's done it," Rikki said, leaning back in her seat. "I know my sister. I'd bet my whole piggy bank that she didn't," Elliot scoffed, arms crossed. But when Emma had a guilty look and Rikki held her hand out, he couldn't help but question his bet. "Hey, I lived through that. I know what happens. Pay up." Elliot huffed.

"Even if it was true, which I still don't believe, where would I keep it? It didn't magically come with me." Rikki sighed. "Fine. You can cough it over when we get out of here," she said as she turned back to the screen. It might not sound like it, but she was only joking around. Elliot was just a kid, and her friend, he needed that money more than she did since he was too young to get a job. He could save it up and spend it wisely instead of buying loving gifts for a way-too-old-for-him crush.

[Mrs. Chatham suddenly comes rushing over, coming from who knows where, and pats Emma on the back as she gets the girl's attention.]

Mrs. Chatham: "Girls, I am so glad I bumped into you."

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