Amanda ❤️

Aww, thank you, marine

"Marine? Marine?!" Violet goes back to laughing her head off.

"Hello? Enlighten me?" Blue asks again, wiggling his eyebrows.

"She was this redhead scientist girl who took the blood samples from us at the base. Her real name most probably isn’t Amanda because she said she keeps changing it and going with whatever she feels. The name she told us that day was Amanda,” Black explains.

Aquamarine nods excitedly, "She said that she changes her name badge and tells a different name everyday. Isn't that so cool?"

"A girl changes her name everyday and you fall for her? Why am I not surprised." Violet shakes her head, chuckling.

Blue sighs, "How many crushes did he have while I was away?"


"Of course, Aqua being Aqua,” he chuckles.

"Stop teasing me. Help me get Amanda!" Aquamarine huffs.

"Wish her a good night and give us attention. You can't use every sweet word you know in a single conversation. That too, over text," Violet says.

"How do I wish her a good night?" he asks innocently.

The agents collectively sigh.

"Marshmallows. Love of my life." Violet says and bites into her roasted marshmallows slightly melting on the stick.

Aquamarine is drawing curvy lines on the ground with a twig he had found lying around.

"–And then those stupid people started running at the alert with literally zero coordination. Where the hell do they get the confidence to call themselves 'Secure' from?" Blue says.

"Pretentious as fuck,” Black replies and chuckles.

"What are you drawing?" She asks, noticing Aqua's art.

"I don't know... Something...?" He replies, his brows furrowed in concentration.

"Looks like a Blobfish to me." Violet glances at the drawing.

"Nah, Blobfishes look better. This looks like agent Red to me," Blue interjects.

"Now that you say it, it does." Black observes.

"Maybe. Wait, what did Red do to you three again?" Aquamarine looks up.

"A lot of stuff. He used us, betrayed us, never cared about us but guilt tripped us into caring about him– " Violet counts his actions on her fingers.

"- He complained against us to Boss and almost got us killed several times because he simply wouldn't listen. He ended up getting himself removed from our team because he thought he was 'too good' for us," Black continues.

"And he made us cry for the silliest reasons. Like, he once convinced us that he had cancer and we genuinely cried in front of him for minutes till he revealed that it was all a prank. That stuff sticks with you, you know?" Blue shrugs.

"If he is not a part of the colour agents then wouldn't he have to change his name?" Aquamarine asks, intrigued.

"He was asked to change it but he didn't. Red realised that he pushed away the only people that cared for him and that the only reason others talked to him was because he was a part of the Colour agents." Black explains.

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