Hurricane Angela (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

Cleo: goes up to her slowly and points at her, clearly done with her pranks. "You've done some silly things in your life, Kimmy. But this is the worst, the stupidest!"

"You know it's really bad when she throws out the full name," Ash winced. "My dad always used my full name whenever he was angry," Sam said as she thought of her full name: Samantha.

Kim: "Can you tell me what it is?" Cleo looks at her dumbfounded then looks back up the stairs when the pelican begins squawking some more. She runs upstairs and Kim follows after her.

[Cleo opens the door to the bathroom and gently holds her hand out warily to keep the pelican to remain calm.]

Cleo: stays at the door, keeping her distance from the large wild bird. "It's ok. Be cool. Nice pelican."

"Was that a pep talk for yourself or for the bird?" Zane laughed. "Both. I was freaking out on the inside," Cleo answered. "And outraged on the outside," Rikki laughed.

Kim: runs up beside her, watching the bird with worry. "What's going on?"

Cleo: glances at her. "As if you don't know." Pushes her back and slams the door in her face as she was now fully in the bathroom, staring the bird down. The pelican begins chirping at her, facing her.

"Cause I really don't," Kim said in a duh tone. "I heard you the first time," Cleo rolled her eyes. "Then maybe you should've listened the first time," Kim shot back.

Cleo: "Nothing to be upset about." She takes a step forward and pulls her phone out, texting the others for help. The pelican jumps up onto the ledge and starts squawking loudly. It flaps its feathers rapidly, causing water to splash everywhere in the small room, including all over Cleo. "Don't!" She jumps back and looks at the water now on her, knowing what was going to come next as she sets her phone down on the sink, so it won't fall with her.

The room bursts into laughter at the unfortunate scene as Cleo huffed, feeling a little embarrassed by what happened. "Ah, so that's what all that noise was about," Kim laughed along with them. "Haha, very funny. I would like to see you try it," Cleo rolled her eyes and sarcastically replied to her three blonde best friends who were currently wiping the tears of joy out of their eyes from her hilarious misfortune.

"Okay, I know your cousin is kind of evil, but you gotta love Angela for that," Rikki chuckled.

"That kind of makes up for making me ride that volcano. Thanks, Cleo," Lewis said patting her back as she lowered herself into her seat.

"Why didn't you call your boss for help? He knows how to handle them it seems," Terry asked. "Because I was afraid he would think we took it from the park after the whole talk we had. It was the absolute worst timing," Cleo frowned.

Kim: jiggles the locked bathroom doorknob. "Let me in."

"Here's a scene that happens all too often," Kim said quietly with a hint of sadness. It reminded her like just before they got here, the same way she was on the other side of the locked door. The only difference is about all of those past times, is now she knows why it had to happen.

Cleo: "Go away! You've already caused enough trouble already!" Tries to quickly dry herself off with a towel, but to no avail, as she drops to the floor, the transformation already taking over. The pelican looks down at her from the bath and chirps.

"Not this time," Kim said in a sing-song voice.

Kim: "You're weird, Cleo." Shakes her head and walks back downstairs.

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