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Her nightmare became truth.

The hospital was surprisingly fast with making the X-rays and the scans of her knee, also having the results as quick as possible.

She had to go and get another surgery and her chances of returning to football were about 2 percent. Together with the help of Ona and her German detective, they were able to lock Oliver behind bars while Louis was released. The attack on Oliver was ruled as a defensive reaction so he was allowed to walk out of the police station the very next day.

Sofia was scattered. The first day that she had gone back to work and than all of this happened.

Don't even get me started on Andorra. Where she had been feeling down before, she was just depressed now. She was allowed to leave the hospital fast after having the results but was stuck in a brace that set her knee in a straight position and she couldn't move it at all, now needing to let the swelling go down before they could perform the next surgery. Her new ACL had torn and her MCL had also torn now together with her meniscus. It was hell.

She was heartbroken and she had never felt so alone before. The one thing that always pulled her through everything, even through her difficult time after the murder of Selina. Nothing and nobody was ever able to get her through the tough times until she was cleared and able to play football again. But now, without football, what on Earth was she going to do?

She had been in contact with her physiotherapist, Thalia, who was trying to tell Andorra that they would do everything in their power to get her back on the field together with her colleague, Pola.

Despite her trusting words, Andorra found it very hard to believe her words as she spent her days laying in bed and not able to do anything as she was waiting to be able to have her next surgery. Why did this have to happen to her?

The entire family was shook with the news and none of them knew what to expect nor what to do.

Louis gained at least a dozen new trust issues after the events with Oliver and he made a new promise with himself. He would do everything in his power to keep Andorra safe.

Andorra talked to him again and Louis was very greatful for that. It turned out that Oliver had been threatening Louis too. When Oliver was questioned about his motive, he simply stated that he wanted to end what friends of his had begun.

Andorra was forced to tell the full story of the two men and Selina and what had happened that day in detail to everyone, everyone being her parents.

She didn't want to worry Aitana more than the poor midfielder already was.

Now that the truth was out, the entire world just supported Andorra more while she was laying in bed, binge watching one serie after another. Aitana hadn't visited yet, wanting to give Andorra the space that the goalie might have needed in that time.

Andorra herself thought that she needed the space until she realized that she didn't.

She grabbed her phone, unlocked it and immediately went to her chat with the midfielder. The last message that she had sent was that she needed time to process everything.

She opened the keyboard and looked at the letter for quite a while, thinking about what she should sent.

'Come over.'

That was all she sent and while Aitana had been sitting on the couch with her parents, when she saw the message, she immediately got up from the couch, her parents looking at her questionably. "What's happening?"

Aitana couldn't supress the smile that tugged on her lips. "She told me to come."

Aitana's father smiled at her. "Go get your girl."

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