Prologue: The Light at the End of the Tunnel

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Dwelling on the past wouldn't change anything. I focused on the future, a clear vision blooming within me. Graduate high school, get my degree, and move to Chicago. Be near Alice.

I buried myself in studies, juggling schoolwork with helping my parents at their firm and the occasional odd job at neighboring houses. As my parents' work hours increased, we spent more time with Grandpa, a battle-hardened Vietnam vet who believed in discipline. Martial arts became my new world, a challenging but rewarding escape. Brazilian jiu-jitsu, fencing, kenpo - each discipline honed both my body and mind.

My dedication paid off. Dad eventually relented, letting me apply to a prestigious prep school in Alice's town. It was a twist of fate, a chance encounter written in the stars.

The familiar scent of freshly cut grass and anticipation hung thick in the air. This wasn't just any new school year; this was a reunion years in the making. My heart hammered against my ribs as I scanned the crowded halls, searching for a familiar face. There, amongst the sea of uniforms, a flash of golden blonde hair caught my eye.

It was Alice.

Time seemed to melt away as I watched her, the years of separation collapsing into a forgotten memory. She was even more beautiful than I remembered, her features delicate and refined, her hair cascading down her back in a silky curtain. Even at an average height, she commanded attention with an undeniable elegance.

A surge of warmth and nostalgia washed over me. She'd always held a special place in my heart, and seeing her again ignited a fire that had been dormant for far too long. But she was out of reach, a beautiful butterfly flitting amongst a swarm of students.

Weeks turned into months, and the ache of missed opportunities gnawed at me. I wanted to talk to her, to rekindle the spark that had burned so brightly in our childhood. But fear kept me frozen, a coward hiding in the shadows.

Then, fate intervened. One breezy afternoon, I stumbled upon Alice sitting alone in the courtyard, as she watched the leaves dance in the wind. This was my chance. Steeling my nerves, I crouched behind a nearby bush, formulating the perfect pick-up line.

Just as I decided to emerge, the wind whipped through the courtyard, momentarily obscuring Alice's vision. Taking this as my cue, I approached cautiously, hoping to catch her by surprise.


Alice's voice cut through the air, tinged with shock as she spun around to see me towering over her.

We stood there for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of the years that had passed. Then, a small smile tugged at the corner of her lips.

"When did you get so tall?" she asked, her voice laced with amusement.

"I-It just happened," I stammered, my cheeks burning with a familiar, adolescent heat. The past was a minefield, but I couldn't stay silent any longer. "Do you... do you still feel the same way?"

Alice's face flushed crimson as she remembered our childhood confessions. A beat of silence stretched between us, thick with unspoken emotions.

Finally, a smile bloomed on her face, as radiant as the sunlight filtering through the leaves.

"Yes," she whispered, her voice barely a breath.

Tears of joy welled in her eyes as she accepted my invitation to meet later that week. My own heart soared, my love for her rekindled and burned brighter than ever. Fate, it seemed, was finally on our side, weaving a new chapter in our story.

Graduation loomed on the horizon, and with it, my plan to propose. I worked tirelessly, pulling double shifts and juggling my studies, all for the perfect diamond ring. Yet, a gnawing unease settled in my gut as graduation day arrived and Alice was nowhere to be seen.

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