Chapter 7

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It's been a few days since my encounter with Enzo and we have been texting non stop, the girls are happy for me, when I got home its all we could talk about, another thing we can't stop talking about is my birthday that's in a few days, I can't believe I'm gonna be 18. I'm sat on my bed when I heard Christina shout my name from downstairs.

"COMING." I shout as I'm climbing down the ladder of the bunk.

I get downstairs and as soon as I enter the living room I'm being stared at by 13 pair of eyes.

"Errrmmm..... Is everything ok?" I ask, I'm confused why everyone is looking at me. Lynn came over to me and handed me a piece of paper.

"What's this?" I asked, now I'm extremely confused.

"Open it." Chrissy said to me. They were all smiling.

I opened the paper, it's a certificate of adoption, it's says (this is to certify that Emily Evergreen has been adopted into the cimorelli family) OMG THEY ADOPTED ME!!!!!

" adopted me?" Was all I managed to say before I started getting emotional and ended up in tears on joy.


"Welcome to your new family Emily Cimorelli." Lise said and then came up to me and gave me a massive hug.

I ran upstairs and the first thing I did was text Enzo

Em: Hey Enzo guess what?

En: Hey pretty, what's up?

Em: I just got an early birthday present and guess what it is?

En: Errrmmm...... a car?

Em: No silly, they gave me a piece of paper, it was a certificate of adoption, THEY HAVE ADOPTED ME!!!!

En: OMG baby that's amazing news.

Em: I have to go but I though I would message you quickly and tell you the good news.

En: Okay baby, I'll be waiting for you <3

OMG Enzo is so adorable, I'm finding myself falling for him even more every day.

Christina's POV

Tomorrow is Emily's 18th birthday, we are so excited, I can't believe she's out sister, my sweet baby girl, my little sister.

She is also texting Enzo non stop, it's like the universe is finally on her side for once. Us girls are going shopping today for Emi's birthday, we all jump in the car and head to the mall.

Next thing we know, it's 6pm.

"Girls it's time to head home" I tell the girls, they all look upset. I hate being the oldest and in charge. We all pile our bags in the car and head home.

Emily's POV

We're all in the car on our way home when my phone goes off, it's Enzo.

En: Hey pretty girl, do you want to come over? I miss you and I have a surprise for you.

Em: Hold on let me ask my sister.

She probably won't hear me calling her name as she's all the way at the front and I'm all the way at the back with Lo, I guess I'll message her.

E: Chrissy?

C: Hey baby girl what's up?

E: Enzo is asking if I can go to his, is that okay? he said he has a surprise for my birthday.

C: Yeah but be back by 9:30 please cause we have a few surprises for you.

E: Thank you, thank you, thank you!

C: You're welcome baby girl

Omg she's let me go, yesss!! Let me tell Enzo.

Em: Hey baby she said yes.

En: That's good.

Em: I won't be long.

En: Okay princess.

We parked the car on the drive and I walked to Enzo's, he only lives on the next street. I get to his and I knock.
He opens the door with a bouquet of red roses.

"Good evening my queen" he says to me with a smile on his face. OMG, the flutters are back again.

"Hey Enzo." I reply, I didn't know what else to say. He welcomes me in and he takes me up to his room, as I walk in I see rose petals on the bed in the shape of a heart, a bunch of tea light candles round the room and romantic music on in the background.

He walks up to me and kisses me, I don't pull away though, instead I kiss him back, next thing we know we're on the bed fully making out.

Next thing we know we're both fully naked in bed, we'll I guess we all know what happens when you get to this stage.

I've been with Enzo for a few hours and I look at the time, shoot is 10pm. IM LATE!!!!

I pick up my phone, I have 6 missed calls from Chrissy, 3 from Kathy and 2 from Lise.

I quickly put my clothes on and run home. I get in and all the lights are off. I walk into my room and find Lise, Chrissy and Kath sat on Lisa's bed, lo and dani are asleep.

"Emi, downstairs now" Chrissy said to me. Dang she mad. We all get downstairs and they all look at me.

"Where the heck have you been?" Lise asked me, she sounds mad too.

"I'm sorry girls, I was with Enzo and we lost track of time." I replied, I was feeling very guilty.

"Go to bed, we will talk about this in the morning." Chrissy said to me, great, my big sister and best friend is mad at me.
I went upstairs and didn't even bother changing I just got straight into bed and just layer there, I coulnt sleep, all that was playing in my head was what me and Enzo just did, that was my first time....

I must have fallen asleep cause next the I know the sun is blaring through the window, I look down and the room is empty. I look at my phone, it's only 7.30am, I'm going back to sleep for a little longer.

Amy's POV

Today is Emily's birthday so we all woke up at 7am to get the kitchen all ready for when she wakes up.
The happy birthday banner, the birthday presents, mom is making pancakes and bacon, Emily's favourite breakfast.

After we've finished it's 9am, Chrissy has gone to wake Emily up.

Chrissy comes down with Emily in tow, Emi is wearing this really pretty white dress with roses and she has her make up and hair done.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILY!!!!" We all say in unison as she walks in the kitchen.

"OMG, thanks guys!" She said to us while she hugged every one of us. It was time for her to open gifts.

We all pitched in for all of her gifts so her gifts are from all of us.

She opened one of her gifts, "ooh, cimorelli merch." She exclaimed, she's been wearing Chrissy's no good at being lonely hoodie so we though we would give her one.

The next gift she opened. "OMG, new roller skates!!!" She was so happy with her new skates.

And her last gift, it was a special one "OMG, you didn't?!?" She was shocked at what she got. We got her the new iPhone 11 Pro in gold. She was over the moon.

"Thank you guys so much." She said.

"You're welcome sweety" mom replied. She immediately opened her iPhone and started setting it up. I mean I can't blame her, we all would have done the exact same.

Harmony in the Shadows: A Cimorelli Symphony of CompassionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora