(23) Stairs, Bed, and Fractured

Start from the beginning

MARI saw how concerned he looked and sat more up. "S-Sorry... That never usually happens... at least, not usually this bad."

SUNNY went down and sat next to her. "Usually... So, this... Happens a lot?"

MARI: "N-No, not always. Sometimes it's nothing, while others... I've uh, never went upstairs the whole day, hehe..."

SUNNY: "Wow..."

Even if it wasn't technically him who fell down these stairs, he looked down and remembered the terror he felt when he saw HIS SISTER lying there... Motionless. Unresponsive.

He could imagine how MARI felt looking down there, the guilt and horrible realization... because that all flooded back to him once he told HIS FRIENDS the Truth...

SUNNY grabbed her hand and held it tight. Never wanting to let her go again. MARI'S breathing slowed down, relaxing as she leaned her head back and began to calm down. Both siblings leaned their heads on one another, simply enjoying one another's company again... after so long.

They stayed there for a little while, embracing one another before MARI opened her eyes, feeling them get heavy. She looked up back to the Old Grandfather Clock, realizing that it was still broken and rolling her eyes. She flipped out her phone and saw the time.

6:25 PM

MARI: "Well, I know it's early, but it's been... sigh a very long day. Do you wanna head to bed now, or no? I'm not sure if you're tired or not, but... SUNNY?"

She looked down to him and saw... he was already asleep. Leaning against her shoulder and breathing so calmly. It made her genuinely smile, kissing his head and pulling him a bit closer.

It reminded her of the long car rides they use to take, where SUNNY would tire himself out so much he'd fall asleep home. She was always hid pillow, and he would sleep like a baby next to her. She'd always missed those times... and it felt like she was reliving them, even a little.

She decided to let him rest for a little bit, not wanting to disturb him... not realizing what was happening as he slept.

. . .

SUNNY slowly opened his eye, blinking a few times as his blurry vision was trying to readjust. He couldn't. Make anything out, barely colors either as everything looked dull and grey. His eye felt extremely heavy too, like he could barely open it, and that only made it harder for him to see what was in front of him... until he finally started to make it out. Everything sounded distant with an muffled echo too, slowly but surely getting closer...

???: "...ey....hey.... hey you..."

After blinking once, he saw something... a person. Looking like a blob of sorts. Blinking again, he saw them get closer, making out more of a humanoid shape. Once more, and he saw they were in front of him, an arms distance away as he could barley make out the face... but once he rubbed his eye and opened it fully...

???: "Hey, SUNNY..."

SUNNY: "Mmnnh...? MARI-"

He saw someone he thought he never would again... OMORI. But he looked... fractured? Like he was made of glass, broken and shattered, cracks all about his body. Right in front of him, looking more serious than the expression he had the last time he saw him. And his eyes were pale, staring right into his with a very stern expression. Grabbing onto SUNNY'S shoulder, face to face, he spoke clearly...

OMORI: "We need to talk."

. . .

SUNNY: "GAH!" He jolted awake, a sharp inhale that made MARI jump. His breaths were quick as his hands were put to his sides, looking around and wondering what he just saw. But as soon as he tried looking, all he saw was MARI.

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