Chapter 3: Bahrain

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This was my first race weekend as an f1 driver, I had impressed during pre-season testing, getting a lot of laps faster then Max. I was feeling confident that I would at least get in the points for my first race. The car showed good potential during testing, allowing me and max to feel comfortable in the car.

I sat in my drivers room preparing myself for practice, as I heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted.

"I just wanted to wish you good luck for practice, go show everyone how great you can be kiddo." Max spoke softly as he poked his head round the door.

"Thanks Max, I'll see you on track." I smiled.

"see you on track" he winked as he closed the door.

I sat in the garage waiting to get into my car for the first time this weekend. The nerves and excitement built up in my stomach. The butterflies that deeply lingered in my stomach were going crazy, it had been a while since I had experienced such an emotion.

Eventually, I pulled out of the garage and slowed behind my teammate in the pit lane, patiently waiting for the light to go green.

The first car to accelerate out of the pit exit was the red Ferrari of Charles Leclerc.

I started accelerating down the pit exit, holy shit I forgot how fast this was.

Starting my first lap, going as fast as I could down to turn one. I was flying. I got sector 1 purple, I had my foot to the floor. I pushed as hard as I could to get a perfect first lap, braking late at every corner.

I was a whole second faster then Max, who was in p2. My confidence slowly built up throughout practice.

Now in p2 due to Charles having a great lap, leaving him p1. At this point, I was as eager as anything to be p1 at the end of this first practice session. I started my next flying lap, pushing as hard as I could.

"This is amazing Natasha, keep pushing." My race engineer, Alex said.

I crossed the line with the fastest lap and took p1 back, for the rest of practice it was a fight between me and Charles for p1. In the end I came out on top. It felt amazing that I'd been the fastest driver on track.

I was hoping to get even better throughout the weekend but I knew I would have to put every ounce of my effort into the rest of the weekend if I wanted to equal practice.

Practice 2:
1. Charles LECLERC
3. Natasha HORNER

Practice 3:
1.Lando NORRIS
2.Natasha HORNER
3. Charles LECLERC

Qualifying was going to be challenging because it could ruin my whole weekend. The nerves were as high as they had been so far. If I could do it in practice, surely I could do it in qualifying.

I sat talking to my race engineer while watching different teams running through the pit lane getting everything prepared for qualifying.

I watched as Charles walked by also talking with race engineer, Xavier. Our gazes connected for a split second, he smirked - making me roll my eyes in annoyance.

"Ugh, he's so full of himself" I muttered under my breath. Alex obviously noticed our little 'moment' because he let out a light chuckle.

"What's funny?" I asked with a confused expression on my face.

"Whatever that was" he replied with a slight smirk.

"Nothing, it was literally nothing." I glared at him speaking with a serious tone.

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