Chapter 2

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As I walked off the plane I felt the cool British air hit my face, it felt good to be home. I was excited to see my dad and my new team.

After I had my way through the airport, I got in the nearest taxi to go to my hotel. As I scrolled through my Instagram feed of my private account, the follow requests went up largely since I had last checked.

We pulled up outside the hotel entry, I thanked my driver as he handed me my luggage.

I unlocked my hotel door, threw my stuff down and jumped on the bed. An exhausted sigh left my mouth as I picked up my phone and saw a
text from my best friend, Victoria.
Victoria: Hey Nat, r u there yet?

Ye I just got to my hotel. I'll call you later I'm gonna have a quick nap I'm tired asf. Miss u. ❤️

Victoria: Ok talk later, miss u too. 🫶🫶______

After a few hours of slumber, I started to get ready. The butterflies in my stomach making me feel as if I was afloat.

I got changed into my Red Bull shirt and wore a pair of leggings. I stood facing the reflection in the mirror in my hotel room with a smile on my face.

"Don't fuck this up." I whispered to the reflection, as I hoped to not make myself look like an absolute mess.

I applied light makeup and straightened my hair.

While I was straightening my hair I called Victoria like I said I would.

"Hey Vic!" I said with a smile on my face.

"Hey!! I actually miss you so much it's not even a joke" her smile beamed at me through the phone.

I met Victoria when I lived back in the UK and now she's my favourite person. We currently live five minutes away from each other in Monaco and see each other basically every day.

We have been through so much together and stayed by each other through it all, I love her so much and would only ever wish her the best.

I waited in the lobby of my hotel for my Uber, my leg bouncing up and down nervously. I scrolled through Instagram, looking at some relatives photos. My curious personality urged me to search up my name and read some headlines.

The notification came up on my phone that my Uber was here. I walked out the hotel doors and entered the backseat.

My nerves were oddly high. All that had to be done was an introduction and that was basically it. Already, I was well known at the team due to my dad being team principal but as much as I'd try think about that, my nerves didn't change.

Formula one is the best category of motorsport with the best drivers in the world. If I'm not good enough, I won't be here at the end of the season. I know if I don't show the results that Red Bull are looking for I would lose my seat and I'm fully prepared for that.

We pulled up outside the Red Bull Racing HQ, I thanked my driver and entered the glass door. I was welcomed with a big hug from my dad. I gave him a big smile as I greeted him.

"So, how are you feeling?" My dad asked as we walked. "Nervous, I'll be fine though." I reassured myself.

We got to the door I was going to enter in a few minutes. My dad walked in, smiling and greeting people as he walked.

After a few minutes I hear "Please welcome, my daughter, Natasha Horner!". I entered waving and smiling.

I was handed a microphone and started my short speech.

"Thank you guys, I'm so excited and grateful to be starting my formula one journey here at Red Bull. I hope to have a great few seasons here and make a lot more amazing memories at this amazing team. I am looking forward to getting in the car for the first time and get set settled in. See you at the track." I smiled at my dad as he put his arm around me, the silence in the empty haul, was drowned out by applause.

I waved goodbye as I left. I closed the door behind me and let out a sigh of a relief. "That wasn't so bad" I spoke to myself.

I stood leaning against the wall waiting for my dad to follow behind me. I heard footsteps to the left of me as I lifted my head and realised it was my future teammate, Max Verstappen. I smiled at him as he walked by but he stopped.

"Hey Natasha, how are you?" He kindly asked.

"I'm good, how about you?" I replied with a grin.

"I'm alright, I just have to get some work done here before I fly out for Christmas." He explained "I would stay and speak but I'm in a bit of a rush, sorry." He apologised.

"Don't worry about it, I'll see you later. Have a good christmas!" I said as we parted ways.

Just as he was walking away my dad stepped out and gave me a hug.

"See! It was nothing to worry about" he proved.

"I know, thanks dad" I smiled.

I lay in my hotel room bed watching Netflix, as my phone went off. I picked it up confused because it was late and I didn't know who would be texting me at this time. The notification said 'you have been added to the group 'The Grid'.'I smiled as I read it.

As the season had ended a few weeks ago, I was excited to participate in pre-season testing before Bahrain. It would be my first time in an  formula one car.

I had worked my ass of in the simulator to be fully prepared for my rookie season. I wanted to show my full potential to reassure my dad of the choice he had made.

I can't wait for the start of next season, I would officially be driving in formula one.


Please leave feedback for me heree

Ik I'm not the best at writing but I'm trying my best to make this as fun to read as possible!
The next few chapters will hopefully get a bit more interesting. 🫶

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