Chapter 5 Season 2

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"Here we go again with the fucking work alone shit." Thomas spits out putting the keys in your hands. You leave the building not bothering to deal with Thomas. Slamming the car door shut you drive to the same church you met the inspector at. Immediately getting out the car and walking in.

"We had a deal. Hey! We had a fucking deal!" You yell at the inspector while storming to him. He reads a newspaper as you breath heavily and glare towards him

"I would think you would moderate your language in a place of worship. I called you here alone because I thought you would be more reasonable." The inspector hums as you snatch the newspaper out his hand and throw it to the floor as you lean closer to him.

"We had a fucking deal." You state angrily while pointing your finger towards him. He finally turns to you with a stoke expression

"Ms. L/n. If you read the papers, you might have seen that the Home Secretary has got himself into a bit of a fizz about certain moral issues. Prostitution, protection, racketeering, drinking, cocaine and, of course...gambling. And he has demanded results." The inspector informs as you pace around.

"You offered me and Tommy protection. You promised me and Tommy protection." You correct yourself

"Well, no, you see, it was Mr. Churchill that made you that promise. And the Home Secretary outranks him, so...And I cannot be blamed if your boyfriend's demented brother decides to go on some sort of bloody orgy during dinner." The inspector argues your point

"Don't you lie to me! Do not sit here in your fucking church and lie to me!" You yell out once more as you go closer to the inspector and shout in his face

"You will need to contain your emotions or this meeting is at an end. Good. That's better. So...let us review the new situation. I have your boyfriend's brother in a prison cell, charged with the murder of Billy Kitchen. The case against him is strong and I have no doubt that his destiny is to hang. And then there is Polly's son, Michael. He has already admitted to helping Arthur burn down the Maquis pub. Oh! He was a tough nut to crack, that boy, but crack he did. So have your boyfriends brother facing the noose, I have your boyfriends cousin facing five years for arson. And I have your entire organisation in disarray in Birmingham and in London." The inspector explains the whole situation as you back away from him and lean on the chairs on the other side as you take a deep breath

"What do you want?" You question

"What do I want? I don't understand." The inspector plays dumb as your eyes go wide from rage as you look towards him.

"I already agreed to do your fucking killing for you. Now, what is it you want from me?" You question, agitation and venom in your tone

"Oh. There you go. You see...An agreement is not the same thing as an assurance, now, is it? You see, I found...I wasn't sleeping so well. It wasn't just the smell and the noise in that room, no. It was the nagging doubt. The knowledge...The knowledge that...Y/n L/n and Tommy Shelby is not afraid to die. And therefore, the threat to your own lives might not be enough to make it certain that you will obey me on the given day. I needed also the power of your life and death and death over your boyfriend's family. Which you care so dearly about. Which I now have. Your boyfriend's brother, your boyfriend's cousin...and your boyfriend's sister...and your sister. I have known Ada's address in Primrose Hill since the day she moved in. Now she is safe only as long as I want her to be. Same with your sister. I know her foster family, they're good friends of mine and if they knew who you were and if you were related to there adopted daughter, they'd give her up to me in no time and all it takes is a click of a trigger. I've been ahead of you...every step of the way. And, as my father use to say, to make sure your dog obeys you, you have to show it the stick once in a while." The inspector warns before walking out as you look down to the floor

|| Work Alone || Tommy Shelby x Reader ||Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu