Chapter 34: Malice's Return and Flickers of Recognition

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In the dimly lit room filled with rows of computers and shadowy corners, a phenomenon unlike any other began to unfold. A swirling vortex of black and gray liquid materialized in the air, crackling with dark energy, and slowly formed into a portal. As the portal expanded, Doctor, the sinister mastermind behind Midoriya's torment, stepped forth, a maelstrom of anger etched across his face.

Doctor was not pleased. His secret laboratory had been infiltrated, his precious research exposed, and his experiments disrupted. The anger welled within him, a palpable force that filled the room.

The liquid portal began to dissipate, gradually losing its form. Before it could vanish entirely, a tiny, peculiar creature emerged from the remnants of the vortex. This creature, unlike the towering, monstrous Nomus, had two spindly legs, a gaping mouth, and a long, sinuous rat-like tail. Doctor affectionately called this peculiar creation Johnny.

Kneeling down, Doctor extended a gloved hand and gently pet Johnny's head, showing an unusual tenderness. "You did well, Johnny," he murmured, his anger momentarily overshadowed by gratitude. "Your assistance was invaluable."

Johnny, though grotesque and far from the image of a conventional hero, showed a bizarre affection for his creator. With a series of guttural sounds and a contorted grin, Johnny seemed to express loyalty and subservience to Doctor.

In the eerie room, bathed in the dim light of computer screens, Doctor contemplated his next move. He knew that the heroes and their allies were closing in on him, that their relentless pursuit could no longer be ignored. The time had come to strike back with even greater force, to protect his twisted experiments and maintain control over those who had fallen victim to his malevolence.

But Doctor knew he had to contact Shigaraki to deliver the troubling news about the heroes' intrusion into his laboratory. As the two villains connected through a secure communication channel, Doctor's voice quivered with anxiety.

"Tomura, the laboratory has been compromised," Doctor confessed, expecting a furious outburst from Shigaraki.

To his surprise, Shigaraki's response was chillingly calm and collected. He wore a disturbingly serene expression, his eyes gleaming with malice as he listened to Doctor's report. He let out a slow, eerie chuckle.

"Doctor," Shigaraki said, his voice dripping with confidence, "this is all part of the plan. I've known about their interference from the beginning."

Doctor's eyes widened in shock, his pulse quickening. "You... you anticipated this?"

Shigaraki's grin widened, a twisted expression of delight. "Of course. We'll retrieve D-09 in just one week. By then, the heroes won't be able to stop us."

Doctor couldn't conceal his astonishment. Shigaraki, who had often been unpredictable and impulsive, now displayed a level of strategic thinking and patience that surprised even Doctor.

In a voice oozing with admiration, Doctor couldn't help but comment, "Tomura, you're becoming very mature. "He" would be proud of the villain you're becoming."

Shigaraki's grin remained, the darkness within him growing ever more potent. "We're not playing games anymore, Doctor. This is war, and we're going to win."

The conversation ended, leaving Doctor both astounded and unnerved by the evolution of Shigaraki's cunning and ruthlessness. With the heroes closing in and a showdown looming on the horizon, the battle for Midoriya's soul and the fate of those twisted by the darkness of Doctor's experiments was set to reach a cataclysmic climax.


Hey guys, I know I promised to do a mega chapter last time but I'm having a few difficulties on making it the way I want... The story isn't really going the way I wanted and I'm seriously thinking on starting a new one... Just a question that most people would ask, what should I do?

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