Chapter 32: Unleashing the Truth

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The class, dressed in their hero costumes, arrived at the hospital in Jaku, determined to confront Garaki and uncover the truth behind Midoriya's torment. They carefully followed him as he entered a secret passage, leading them to an underground laboratory.

Swiftly and silently, the heroes moved to restrain Garaki before he could escape. Panic flickered in his eyes as he realized he had been caught, and he attempted to weave a web of lies to distract them.

However, the heroes were not easily fooled. They questioned Garaki relentlessly, demanding answers about his involvement in the experiments on Midoriya. But just as they thought they had cornered him, Garaki's hands moved swiftly, activating a tiny pad from his pocket.

In an instant, Nomus emerged from hidden chambers within the underground lab, attacking the class and Aizawa. The heroes were caught off guard, facing the sudden onslaught of powerful adversaries. The battle was fierce, and the heroes had to focus on defending themselves against the relentless attacks.

Amidst the chaos, Garaki's wicked laughter filled the air as he revealed himself to be Doctor all along. The heroes' hearts sank at the realization that the mastermind behind Midoriya's torment stood before them.

"I must say, it was quite fun working on your friend, young Midoriya," Doctor taunted, his voice dripping with malevolence. "His quirk was a fascinating subject to experiment with."

The class gritted their teeth, their determination stronger than ever. They would not let Doctor's sadistic pleasure in his work go unchallenged.

Doctor continued, a sinister glint in his eyes. "But that was just the beginning. Once Tomura retrieves Midoriya, I plan to create a new breed of Nomu—one that remains in a human form but is intelligent and overwhelmingly powerful."

"You won't get away with this," Iida declared, his voice unwavering. "We'll save Midoriya, and we'll put an end to your twisted experiments!"

In the midst of the battle, the class stood united, fighting not just for Midoriya, but for every victim of Doctor's malevolence. They would face the terrifying Nomus and confront Doctor head-on, knowing that this was their chance to bring justice to their friend and put an end to the horror he had endured.

As Doctor laughed maniacally, he retreated into the shadows of the underground laboratory, escaping the grasp of the furious heroes. Frustration and anger swelled within Class 1A, and they watched helplessly as their chance to capture Doctor slipped away.

"We can't let him get away!" Kirishima roared, clenching his fists tightly. "We're so close to ending this nightmare!"

Aizawa's eyes narrowed in determination. "Stay focused, everyone. We may have lost him for now, but our mission isn't over. We'll find him, and we'll bring him to justice."

The heroes regrouped, tending to their wounded and taking a moment to catch their breath. The weight of their failure to apprehend Doctor hung heavily in the air, but they were not defeated. Their spirits burned with an even fiercer resolve to save Midoriya and put an end to Doctor's malevolence.

Momo stepped forward, her voice filled with determination. "We need to keep searching for him. He won't be able to hide forever."

Uraraka added, "We have the advantage of knowing he works at this hospital. Let's search every inch of this place until we find him."

Aizawa nodded. "Agreed. Split into teams and search every corner of this facility. We won't let him escape us again."

With newfound determination, the heroes split into groups, scouring the hospital and the underground lab for any sign of Doctor. They checked every room, investigated hidden passages, and interrogated hospital staff. Their search was relentless, and they would not rest until they had captured Doctor and rescued Midoriya.

Hours passed, but the heroes pressed on, their sense of urgency fueled by the knowledge that Shigaraki's return was drawing nearer. They knew that they were racing against time to save their friend from becoming a permanent puppet under Doctor's control.

Finally, as the sun began to set, they found a hidden room tucked away in a remote corner of the underground lab. Inside, they discovered a vast array of documents and equipment, evidence of Doctor's nefarious experiments.

Momo picked up a file, her eyes widening with shock. "This... this is information about the Nomufication process!"

Aizawa examined the documents, his expression grave. "These records detail the experiments conducted on Midoriya and others. We have enough evidence to bring him down."

As they poured over the files, the heroes realized that they had gathered enough information to expose Doctor's crimes and bring him to justice. They had an opportunity to save not only Midoriya but countless others who might suffer the same fate.

With renewed determination, they prepared to confront Doctor once more, armed with the evidence they needed to bring him down. The shadows of defeat still loomed, but their spirits remained unbroken. They would not stop until Midoriya was safe and Doctor was held accountable for his malevolent actions.

The battle was far from over, but Class 1A and Aizawa stood united and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As they faced the darkness that threatened to consume their friend, they knew that their bonds of friendship and heroism would be their greatest strength. And with that unwavering resolve, they prepared to confront Doctor once more, knowing that the fate of their friend rested in their hands.

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