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"All right, do we have all of our nominees for king and queen on the stage? OK, good. I just wanted to say that you're all winners. And I could not be happier that this school year's ending." Aizawa said curtly, "Here we go. The winner of the Spring Fling King, Denki Kaminari."

You watched as you rolled up with the rest of the Mathletes; quickly moving deeper into the crowd after spotting your parents looking for you.

"And your Spring Fling Queen, future co-chair of the Student Activities Board and winner of two gift certificates to the Walker Brothers Pancake House, Y/N L/N. Where is Y/N?"

You froze.

This isn't what you wanted.

"There she is." Aizawa said as the spotlight shone on you, forcing you to walk on stage.

"Thanks." you said awkwardly as the crown was placed on your head.

You took a deep breath and spoke into the mic.

"Well, half the people in this room are mad at me. And the other half only like me because they think I pushed somebody in front of a bus. So... that's not good."

"You know, it's not really required of you to make a speech." the dark-haired teacher interrupted.

"I'm almost done, I swear." you said quickly, "To all the people whose feelings that got hurt by the Burn Book, I'm really sorry. You know, I've never been to one of these things before. And when I think about how many people wanted this and how many people cried over it and stuff...I mean, I think everybody looks like royalty tonight. Look at Tsuyu Asui. That dress is amazing. And Ochaco Uraraka, I mean, that hairdo must have taken hours, and you look really pretty. So......why is everybody stressing over this thing?"

You frowned, taking it in your hands.

"I mean, it's just plastic. Could really just..." Monoma gasped as you snapped it in half, "Share it."

"A piece for Hanta Sero, a partial Spring Fling King." you smiled as you threw the plastic to him, "A piece for Hitoshi Shinso."

"Seriously, most people just take the crown and go."

You ignored him and continued, "And a piece for Mina Ashido. She would have won if it wasn't for me."

"Thank you." she waved.

"And some for everybody else." you grinned, scattering the crowns across the room.

Everyone clapped and jumped, trying to get a piece.

"Gosh, Mr. Aizawa, can you wrap it up?" you said sarcastically.

"Thanks." he nodded, "All right, have a good time, everyone."

"Look. I'm a king." Shinso said dramatically.

Monoma laughed, "As am I."

"Hey." you walked up to them nervously.


"So are we still in a fight?"

"Are you still an asshole?" Shinso raised an eyebrow.

"I don't think so." you shrugged.

"Well, then I guess we're OK."

"Oh, my gosh, I love this song!" Monoma lit up as Milkshake started playing.

"I hate this song." Shinso seethed.

You grinned "I know this song!"

The three of you laughed.

"Man candy, stage right." Monoma smirked, and he and Shinso quickly walked away.

"Hey, what's up?" 

Sen approached, "Hey. Didn't think you'd make it. On behalf of the senior class, I'd like to present you with two gift certificates..."

"Thanks, sucker." Shinso swept past, snatching one of the tickets out of Sen's hand.

"Peace." Monoma grinned.

"One gift certificate tothe Walker Brothers Pancake House." Sen laughed.

"Thank you."

"Congratulations on winning State."  

"I was so nervous. They made us do limits. I thought I was gonna hurl." you chuckled.

"How's your stomach now?" he smirked.

"It's fine."

"Do you feel nauseous at all?"


"Have you been drinking?"


"Okay. Grool." the brunette joked.

"Sen. I don't like you." you confessed, "I used to... but not anymore. I like someone else."

Sen clenched his fists, "What does he have that I don't?"


"Denki. I know you're not over him. Why do you like him?" he pressed.

You shrugged, "I don't know. Because he's not you."

Sen scoffed.

"Whatever, you're ugly anyway."

With that, he walked away. 


You knew who you had to find.

"Hey. Congrats." you smiled.

"Thanks." the blonde replied.

"Is Mina okay?" you asked, "After everything."

"Yeah. She's in the DPP."

You raised an eyebrow.

"Denki Protection Program." he explained, "Anyway. I saw you talking to Sen. Are you dating?"

You shook your head, "No. I told him I like someone else."

Denki pricked up curiously.


You rolled your eyes. He really was just a dumb blonde sometimes.



He tried to look unbothered, but he couldn't stop the grin creeping onto his face.

"Do you think we can maybe give it another shot?" you suggested nervously.

"I'd like that."

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