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567 21 16

The weird thing about hanging out with Denki Kaminari was that you could hate him, and at the same time, you still wanted him to like you.

"You have really good eyes." he said.


Same with Katsuki. The meaner Denki was to him, the more Katsuki would try to win Denki back. He knew it was better to be in the Plastics hating life than to not be in it at all.

Because being with the Plastics was like being famous. People looked at you all the time, and everybody just knew stuff about you.

"That new girl moved here in September."

"I saw Y/N L/N wearing cargos and trainers, so I bought cargos and trainers."

"That Y/N girl is hot. She might even be hotter than Mina Ashido."

"I hear Mina Ashido is dating Sen Kaibara again. The two were seen canoodling at TetsuTetsu's halloween party. They've been inseparable ever since."

You were a woman possessed. You spent about fifty percent of your time talking about Denki, and the other fifty percent of the time you were praying for someone else to bring him up so you could talk about him more.

"He's not even that good-looking if you really look at him." you frowned as you applied lip gloss.

"I don't know." Shinso muttered, "Now that he's started going gym he's got pretty big muscles."

You could hear people getting bored with you. But you couldn't stop. It just kept coming up like word vomit.

"I have this theory that if you cut all his hair off, he'd look like a British man."

"Yeah, I know. You told me that one before." Shinso sighed, "Hey. I'm having an art show, so why don't you take a night off from your double life? I want you to see it."

"Coolness." you grinned.

The purple-haired boy raised an eyebrow, looking you up and down before leaning into you.

"Was it that smell?" he cringed.

"Oh, Mina gave me some perfume."

"You smell like a baby prostitute."


Meanwhile, you were finding any excuse to talk to Sen.

"I don't get this." you whispered, "Do you get any of this?"

"Nice job Y/N." Miss Midnight smiled, dumping your perfectly scored test on your desk.

Sen looked up at you, "Kinda seems like you get it."

If you were gonna keep this going, you were gonna have to really commit.


"Not your best."

"Damn, New Girl, what happened?" Tenko frowned.

"How'd you do?" Sen turned around.

You sighed, "Not so good. You know, I think I need a tutor."

"I'll tutor you," the brown-haired teen suggested, "If you ever wanna get together after school or something."

"Do you think Mina would mind?" you tilted your head.

"No. You guys are friends... Or maybe we just won't tell her."

"So, what did you get for this one?" you asked.

"Well," he explained, "The first time I did it I got a zero."


"But when I checked it I got... one."

There you go.

"I got one too." you grinned.

"Yeah, you have to check it because sometimes the product of two negative integers is a positive number."

"Yeah, like negative four and negative six."

"That's right." he said softly, "That's good."

"Well, you're a good tutor."

There was a pause before Sen slowly leaned down to kiss you. Your lips met briefly before he pulled away bashfully.

"Man, look. I... I can't do this. It's not fair to Mina." he apologized.

"Why do you like her?"

"Look, I know she can be really dumb sometimes, but-"

"Then why do you like her?"

"Why do you!?"

You shrunk back in defeat.

"Look, there's good and bad to everybody. Right? Mina's just... She's just more upfront about it."

Oh no. It was coming up. The word vomit. You didn't mean to say it but-

"She's cheating on you!" you blurted out.


The secret was not worth having to sit and comfort a crying Mina with the rest of the Plastics.

"Did he say why?" said Sero.

"Somebody told him about Yo Shindo." the pink girl wept.

Katsuki pricked up, "Who?"

"He said some guy on the baseball team." she sniffed, "I gave him everything! I was half a virgin when I met him!"

"You wanna do something fun?" Kirishima suggested hopefully, "You wanna go to Taco Bell?"

"I can't go to Taco Bell I'm on an all-carb diet!" Mina screamed, "Gosh, Ejirou, you're so stupid!"

"Mina, wait, talk to us!" Denki, Sero, and Katsuki called as they ran after Mina, who had got up and left the room.

"Nobody understands me!"

"We understand you!"

Now it was just you and Kirishima in the room together. You sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.

"You're not stupid, Ejirou."

"No, I am actually." the redhead pouted, "I'm failing almost everything."

"Well. There must be something you're good at." you tried to comfort him.

He gasped, "I can put my whole fist in my mouth! Wanna see?"

"No-" you said quickly, stopping him, "That's okay. Anything else?"

"I'm kind of psychic." he grinned, "I have a fifth sense."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like I have ESPN or something." he said in a hushed tone, "My biceps can always tell when it's gonna rain."

"Really?" you pretended to be amazed, "That's amazing!"

"Well, they can tell when it's raining."

You had to admit, you were mildly horrified when Sen didn't immediately ask you to be his girlfriend. You knew he was sad, but how much time did he need? Mina had moved on.

But overall, the plan was going pretty well. Sen had dumped Mina, and her popularity was rapidly decreasing.

It was time to turn your attention to the army of skanks.

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