˗ˏˋ 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 'ˎ˗

604 18 20

You had learned how to control everyone around you.

Denki Kaminari was going to be in your house at your party. Everything had to be perfect. And this time when Denki saw you, you wouldn't be caught in some ridiculous costume.

"You look awesome!" Sero, Ejirou, and Katsuki gasped in unison.

"I know, right?" you grinned, "OK, so I got enough cheese and crackers for eight people. Do you think that's enough?"

"Oh, yeah." they nodded quickly.

It was not enough. Somehow, the word had gotten out about your party.

"Nejire's here with Mirio Togata." Katsuki sulked.

"She's just using him to make you mad." said Sero smartly.

"Have you guys seen Denki yet?" you asked desperately.

They shook their heads solemnly.

"She thinks she's gonna have a party and not invite me?" Mina raged, "Who does she think she is?"

"You're right, hon." Yo Shinso said supportively.

"I, like, invented her, you know what I mean?"

"Hey! Put that down!" you shouted, quickly snatching a delicate vase from a random guy you didn't even know.

Was Denki blowing you off?

"What's up?" you raised an eyebrow when Tenko approached you.

"Bakugo came to talk to me."

Oh, no.

"Look, I don't wanna hurt your feelings, but I only date gamer girls."

You nodded, "I have to pee."

You were properly drunk. You quickly ran upstairs and nearly jumped when you opened your bedroom door to see a couple making out on your bed.

"Get out."

They scurried away, and you threw yourself into your bathroom. When you got out, it was to see Sen Kaibara.


"I've been looking for you everywhere." he grinned. "You look... New clothes?"

"Thanks." you smiled, "You wanna go downstairs?"

"No, no. Let's stay here." he said hastily, guiding you to sit on the bed, "Thanks for getting me to come out tonight."

"Yeah, sure, no problem."

"I wasted too much time being pissed off at Mina." he said firmly, "No more liars."

"I would never lie to you." you laughed, "Although...OK, listen. I mean, I did lie to you once, but you're totally gonna laugh when I tell you, so..."

"Tell me what?"

"I pretended to be bad at math so that you'd help me. But the thing is, I'm not really bad at math. I'm actually really good at math. You're kind of bad at math. Anyways, now I'm failing. Isn't that funny?"

"Wait. You're failing on purpose?" he frowned, "That's stupid."

"No. Not on purpose." you said quickly, "Just, you know...I just wanted a reason to talk to you."

"So why didn't you just talk to me?" he asked in confusion.

"Well, because I couldn't. Because of Mina. Because you were her property-"

"Her property?" Sen deadpanned.

"No. Shut up-" you shook your head, "Not her property-"

"No, don't tell me to shut up."

"I wasn't..." you said helplessly as the brunette stood up.

"Gosh, you know what?" he scoffed, "You are just like a clone of Mina."

"Oh, no, no, listen to me. You're not listening to me." you slurred, reaching out for him.

Oh, no. It was coming up again. Word vomit. No, wait a minute...

"What is this?!" Mina and Denki shrieked as they both opened the door.

Actual vomit.

"Sen! Sen, wait!" you yelled as you ran after him, "Just...OK. Call me!"

You swore in frustration as you watched Monoma's car pull up your street.

"Oh, shit."

"You dirty little liar." Shinso spat.

"I'm sorry. I can explain!"

"Explain how you forgot to invite us to your party?" the purple-haired boy glared.

"Hitoshi, I cannot stop this car." Monoma said, "I have a curfew."

"You know I couldn't invite you. I had to pretend to be Plastic!" you explained.

"Hey, buddy, you're not pretending anymore. You're Plastic." Shinso yelled, "Cold, shiny, hard Plastic!"

"Curfew, 9 a.m. It is now 9:10."

"Did you have an awesome time?" he continued bitterly, "Did you drink awesome shooters and listen to awesome music,and then just sit around and soak up each other's awesomeness?"

You frowned, "You're the one who made me like this so you could use me for your first year revenge!"

"Gosh! See, at least me and Denki Kaminari know we're mean! You try to act like you're so innocent!"

"You know what?" you screamed, "It's not my fault you're in love with me or something!"


"Oh, no she did not!" Monoma gasped.

"See?" Shinso said angrily, "That is the thing with you Plastics. You think that everybody is in love with you, when actually, everybody hates you! Like Sen Kaibara, for example. He broke up with Mina and guess what? He still doesn't want you. Knowing that, and knowing that you're dating Denki, you still went for him."

"I'm loyal!"

"So why are you still messing with Denki, Y/N? I'll tell you why. BECAUSE YOU ARE A MEAN GIRL! YOU'RE A BITCH!"

"Here." he spat, throwing a rolled-up piece of paper at you, "You can have this. It won a prize."

"And I want my black shirt back! I want my black shirt back!" Monoma shouted.

You allowed the tears to roll down your cheeks as you unraveled Shinso's artwork. It was a beautiful watercolor painting of you, Shinso, and Monoma together. The old you.

"Mom!" a little boy whined as he and his mother walked past you, "I want it now!"

"Stop crying or that scary girl will take you away." she snapped, gesturing to you.

Your life was officially over.

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