Chapter 82: Melody

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(Wednesday, 11:30AM, LA)

Everyone rushes to the window, looking outside. Me, Riley and Leo look at each other, rushing to the window. We all gasp.

Maxine, Ashlee, Ivy and Cameron are being led out of the school in handcuffs towards police cars. Maxine has red spatters all over her clothes and face. "Oh. My. God." Leo says. Riley gets out her phone and dials a number in. "Papa? Maxine is in a police car. Head to the station." She says, on the phone. I grab my stuff and rush downstairs, Leo calling after me. I run out to the police cars, stopping an officer. "What happened?" I ask. The officer looks at me. "What is your relationship with the offenders?" He asks me. Riley runs up to me. "I'm Maxine's sister. What did she do?" Riley asks. "Hello, Miss Burnes. Your sister-" He is cut off by Maxine slamming against the window, cracking it. "She's not my fucking sister!" Maxine screams. I gasp. "I'm Officer Carlton. You can call me Carl, though. Your relative Miss Graceffa punched Mr Whitehall in the nose, breaking it severely." Carl says. Riley's face turns white. "Oh my days. What did the others do?" I say. "They jumped him as well." Carl says. Riley grabs her hair. "I'm so sorry, Officer. My dad and her father Daniel are on the way to the police station now." Riley tells him. Carl nods, getting into the car and driving away, the other cars following them.

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