Just Breathe

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Just Breathe

The session began as it always did. Abel sat on their bum, legs crossed, and eyes shut. A grand, dark, Nth Metal chamber encased then. They'd been here countless times. They knew it inside and out. Every mineral, every atom, Abel could place them all.

"Take a deep breath," Instructed Martian Manhunter. His deep, hearty, voice melted into Abel's mind. "Sink deep into yourself."

Abel inhaled deeply. The sterile air filled their lungs tight. As they exhaled, they pushed the chamber away. Slowly, it fell away from their mind. Melting into an abyss of darkness.

Abel floated in the darkness. Crystals of ice began to form on their dim body. The icy, black, void seeped into their bones. They would've shivered if gravity existed to allow it.

"Call forth your power, Neutrois," Encouraged the Martian Manhunter. His voice ricocheted in Abel's mind.

Abel looked at their palm. Wisps of energy began to flow out of their skin. The familiar warmth of it seized in their chest.

The darkness began to warp. That night tore at it. Breaking through the void and striking into their mind. The impact was explosive. Light beat away all of the dark.

Electricity rages around them. They watched themself emerge from a monitor built into the wall. Their glow was blinding. It pained them to look directly at themself.

Project Match hovered above them. He squeezed Jaime's neck until it began to creak. His other hand clamped on the Scarab.

Abel shuddered as the supernova spawned in their palm. It blared. The deafening energy blew out their eardrums. They couldn't even hear themself scream as Neutrois hurled the supernova at Project Match.

The impact was blinding. Abel screamed again. They fell on their back. Bone shattered beneath them.

Abel rolled onto their stomach. The light began to fade. Giving way to a familiar nightmare.

Shadows blanketed them. It raked over their skin with an eerie chill. A familiar chill. They started to hug themself. Their arms moved through molasses, stifling their attempt to keep shivers at bay.

"J'onn," Began Abel, "I want out. Take me out." They rasped. A shudder trembled their words.

"It is alright Abel," Cooed Martian Manhunter. His voice coated Abel's psyche in warmth. A blanket to shield them from the cold. "Take a deep, slow, breath and hold it."

Abel nodded. They inhaled slowly. The trickle of air tickled up their nostrils before building in their lungs. They sealed the tension. It felt as though they'd burst.

"Now, exhale slowly. As you release that breath, picture the world around you. Your world. The first thing you can fathom—grasp upon it and let your mind build from there."

Abel exhaled. As they deflated, their mind zigged and zagged for a thread to hold. J'onn's warmth became fickle. Withering into a crippling chill. It seeped into their bones.

"I don't think this is working," They said through chattering teeth. "I-I can't grab anything. I can't find my way back." They cried.

Abel turned side to side. The charred broken worlds around them floated in space. Panic constricted their throat like a noose. Each breath burned as it twisted tighter.

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