Chapter Nineteen ⁜ Till Death Do Us Part

Start from the beginning

"One more word and you can walk out of here and go back to the hell where you were all those years!" Kim raises his voice.

Kinn sighs, "Kimhan, it was just a question. Is it so bad that I want you to be sure? Especially if you are getting married so quickly?"

"You won't get it," Kim shakes his head; his jaw clenched. "But I can assure you that I won't get bored of Chay the moment we say our 'I do.' Or ever."

"Fine," Kim raises his hands in defence, "fine. Pretend I didn't ask. What I came to say anyway is that the ceremony starts in thirty minutes."

Thiry minutes. Kim takes a deep breath, "where's p'Khun?" he asks. Both, because he is surprised that his flamboyant brother hasn't waltzed into his room yet, and also because suddenly, Kim is nervous. He has to distract himself somehow. Thirty minutes. Just thirty minutes and Chay will be his forever.

"He is with Chay, making an entire fashion show out of the preparations. I'm pretty sure he made Chay do a little bit of catwalking as well," Kinn chuckles. "They are having a good time."

"Chay," Kim breathes out, "is he excited?"

"Judging by that embarrassingly wide smile that hasn't left his face since the morning... yeah, I think he is."

Kim smiles. Everything is fine. If Chay is happy, that's enough for Kim to not get affected by his brother's stupid questions.

"Ohoo," Kinn laughs, "what is this? Am I finally seeing a smile?"

Kim glares at his brother, "shut up and help me prepare!"


The wedding is rather small compared to the wedding his parents had. Growing up, Kim heard many stories about his parents' wedding. Back then the wedding was attended by almost five hundred people. From everyone working under Kim's father to mafiosos from different parts of Thailand, or even the world, who weren't in a direct clash with the Theerapanyakul family.

This time, thirty years later, there are only fifty people at the Theerapanyakul wedding. Kim didn't want to invite too many people because of the safety, and Chay only wished for his brother to be able to make it, and Porsche did. That's enough. Most of the guests are bodyguards, employees of the main house, and rich, high-status politicians and businessmen who are long-time business partners with the Theerapanyakul family.

But as they all are sitting here, watching the new head of the Theerapanyakul mafia family getting married, it's as if they are not even here. For Kim, it's just him and Chay. It's impossible for him to look away from Chay. Even if he tries, his eyes and mind just won't listen and that's good—he doesn't want them to listen.

His Chay is beautiful.

Those deep brown eyes shining with love so blinding that it sometimes makes Kim question if love like this can be even possible. And that smile—Kinn didn't lie—that smile is almost embarrassingly wide and Kim loves it. He is in love with it just like he is in love with Chay. The engagement ring now adorns Chay's neck, hanging on a thin chain made out of white gold that accentuates the valleys of Chay's collarbones. The mat black suit is hugging Chay in the exact right places making Kim's mind wander to all the things he can do to his husband once they are finally alone.

His husband.

"Read your vows, please."

Chay goes first.

Kim forgets how to breathe.

"Singing on the street can get you more than just a couple of baht, did you know that?" Chay starts and looks at everyone in attendance when they laugh. "That's right—it can also give you an obsessive mob boss who doesn't stop raising your blood pressure until you give in." Chay's face softens as he looks right into Kim's eyes, "but I'm glad. Giving in was the best decision I have ever made. I have never thought that love could be this intense, this fast and bright coming out of nowhere like lightning from a clear blue sky. But it is and it makes me the happiest I have ever been. For those of you who know Kim, I'm sure that you think that he is a lot to handle, but he isn't. Handling him is quite possibly the easiest thing there is for me because we understand and respect each other. We learned to operate like one person. It's not him and I. It's us and we. And as I'm standing here in front of you and the entire universe, I promise you, Kimhan Theerapanyakul that it will be us and we till death do us part. I will love you and support you through the best and the worst. In the health and in sickness I'll stay by your side. Your troubles will be mine troubles and your happiness will be mine happiness. You are my biggest adventure and my sweetest dream. My heart beats in your chest just like yours beats in mine. Now and forever."

THE OFFER (HE CAN'T REFUSE)  ☆ KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now