Chapter Four ⁜ Conditions

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Hands—protectively wrapping around his body

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Hands—protectively wrapping around his body. Their strength—so surprising it leaves a lingering fire on his skin.

Shouts, screams, and the sound of shattering glass and bullets flying through the air all around him. A scene so loud and dripping in the chaos that for a moment, it feels as if the world around him is spinning way too fast.

Suddenly, he is down, pulled to the floor, hiding behind their table turned around, functioning as a provisional shield. The uneaten food is scattered on the floor, the candle is not burning anymore, wine is like blood painting, the scene in red, the rose petals—so gentle, falling on the floor, suddenly feel so out of place.

And then—there's a voice, urgent but tender. It's close to his ear, and it's saying something.

"Stay down. Stay down. Sweetheart... hey! Hey, hey... are you with me?"

There's a hand cupping his cheek. It's gentle and warm. Kim. He is looking at Chay, a frown in between his eyebrows. Eyes frantically scanning his face, "are you okay?"

"What the fuck?" Chay gasps, looking at Kim with wide eyes.

Kim laughs, "looks like you are okay. Thank god. Listen to me—we have some unwanted company. Give me five minutes and then I'll take you home, okay? Just stay right here and I promise that no one will hurt you. I promise."

"Home? What about our dinner?" What the fuck is Chay asking? This is all he can say while bullets are flying all around him? They are in the middle of freaking shooting. Someone is shooting at them! At Kim to be precise.

"Looks like we have to go on another one," Kim smiles and stands up, firing a couple of bullets at someone in front of him. He then—smoothly, as if this was his daily routine, hides behind another table. Chay can see a hand sticking out from behind it. The hand isn't moving. There's blood dripping from the unmoving fingers, creating a little pool under them.

Chay closes his eyes for a moment. It's different to see stuff like this on TV and different to be a part of it in real life. It's not particularly terrifying as it probably should be, but it takes him a while to take a deep breath and then look around. From where he is hiding, he can see two other men, most likely bodyguards who are shooting in the same direction as Kim, which means they are most likely on their side. Good, that's good. At least Kim isn't alone in this. It makes Chay less worried. What's strange is that he isn't worried just for himself but for Kim as well. He doesn't want to just wait. He wants to help somehow. It would be really unfortunate if Kim died, and then those people would take Chay, and god knows what would happen to him then. With Kim, Chay is at least safe. Well... safer. He is safer.

"Okay, think Chay, think," Chay mumbles to himself. "What you can do?" There's a bar about five meters away from him. However, he can't see a bartender, and he badly hopes that—that poor guy isn't lying in his own pool of blood somewhere behind the bar counter. Looking at the bar for a little bit longer, Chay whispers and grins, "Bingo!" He knows how to help, but how to get there without getting shot? He looks at Kim, who has already moved behind a wall. He is hooting their attackers from behind a corner. Chay calls after him, "Kim!"

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