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James' POV

Me and Ri were just sitting watching TV, she was snuggled up right next to me. Though to be honest I was watching her more than I was watching the screen. I think she knew that but she wasn't commenting on it.

I leaned down to girl and turned her towards me using her chin and leaned down to kiss her. It wasn't a hard or rough kiss, just loving. Cause I do. I love her so much. More than she will ever know.

After we pull away I see her smile up at me. God I love her smile. Love all of her.

"I love you" she told me, and though I always love when she says that, I was a little annoyed that she beat me to it.

"Damn it!" I respond with a bit of frustration.

"What?" she asks me, clearly confused and concerned.

"You beat me to it" I say resulting in her laughing in response. "I love you too Ri, so much."

Ri kisses me in response, with a lot more passion than the last kiss. We proceed to make-out for a couple of minutes. I can never get enough of her. Eventually Riley pulls away, still smiling at me, then she leans back down next to me then we continue watching the TV.

I proceed to continue staring at her, in loving way not creepy. I hope she doesn't see it as creepy. God she's gorgeous. Seriously though, how, how can someone be so beautiful. Also how is she mine.

"James?" I turn as I hear Ri calling for me.

"Yeah Babe?"

"You have lipstick on your lips," she informs me.

I take out my phone and check the camera to see that Riley was in fact right. There was a shit ton of make-up on my face.

"Riley!" I shriek, making it clear that it was a joke and that I wasn't actually mad at her at all, cause how could I be mad at her for that. Which led to Ri laughing.

I go to the bathroom to clean off my face and I hear Ri's laughing behind me still. Surely she can't still be laughing at the lipstick, it's not that funny, surely. I walk towards our living room and sit back down next to her, noticing how she is now on her phone clearly texting someone.

"Ri, who you texting?" I ask, though she doesn't hear me.

Whoever she's talking to must be very interesting as she is completely wrapped up in the conversation and not much attention to me.

"Ri?" I repeat a little louder than before, still trying to catch her attention.

Who could she possibly be talking to? Maybe Emily, she was going out with her later today anyway? Or Michelle possibly?

"Riley!" I say much louder than before, this time catching her attention. It caused her to jump practically out her of her skin.

"Sorry Babe," she says back, "I promise I wasn't intentionally ignoring you, it's just I was in the middle of talking to someone."

"I noticed, who is it?" I ask her.

"Brandon, he's from my class," she responds looking back at her phone due to it pinging again. Then followed by laughing again.

"He must be funny then is he?" I ask her.

"James, are you jealous?" she asked me.

Am I? I mean I trust her obviously, I know she loves me and she'd never want to hurt me it's just, I don't know.

"Maybe a little," I say honestly, I'd feel so awful if I lied to her.

She sits up and moves closer to me, even though she was already really close before. She kisses me once more.

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