Chap 18: Buzz light-year

Comenzar desde el principio

"I only have a problem with you", he says and I raise a brow, "Can you solve it?", He asks with a deep voice and I'm confused so I start thinking about what we talked about earlier and if I offended him.

"Here's the sandwiches", Carmen coos placing a tray with three glasses of juice and peanut butter sandwiches.

"Thanks Carmen".

"Thanks ma'am".

"You're welcome", she says heading back to the kitchen.

"I'm done", Hernandez says.

"Well um let's have a snack break. All that learning must be hard", I tease and he chuckles while Noah scoffs. So I frown at him. He carelessly shrugs at me picking up a sandwich.

"So um why'd you leave school so early?. I waited but I didn't see you and I don't have your phone number or I would have called", he says and I sigh.

"I uh wasn't feeling too well so I came back", I say a bit nervous.

"Oh are you okay?", Hernandez and Noah ask at the same time and I watch them share a scowl.

"Yeah I'm fine", I say and they both nod.

"You could have called me", Noah says and Hernandez scoffs biting into his sandwich. "Think I wouldn't pick?", He questions and I don't know if he's talking to me or Hernandez.

"I.. -

Noah cuts me off, "That's why you always think that way, cause you never try". He says and I stop myself from uttering a word again. For some part he's right, I never try these days .. so I'll keep on thinking he'll never. I'm never optimistic when it comes to him. I'll always have a what if hanging above and it's all because in the past, he never turned up.

"These are really good", we turn to look at Hernandez. I gasp when I see the empty plate. "I uh, well since you guys were talking I thought you weren't interested", he innocently says with bread crumbs on the side of his mouth.

"I thought you were talking too!", I exclaim then let out a chuckle. He snickers. "You've um got something..", I trail gesturing to the crumbs on the side of his mouth.

"Where?", He asks wiping the wrong side.

"No the other side", I say and he wipes the other side but still doesn't get it. "Oh..", I stutter then contemplate whether to help him or not.

"Is it gone?", He asks.

"Well-", I get interrupted by Noah.

"Yes", he says and I give up.

"Ok", he simply says.


I walk Hernandez out and also myself because I just noticed my mum getting into the house.

"So um.. hey can I get your number?", He asks and if the word blush were to be described my face would be the perfect example. A guy.. is asking for my number! I had no idea these things could happen to me.

"It's okay if you can't-", I stop him.

"No it's fine", I say and he hands me his phone. I put my phone number in and then hand it back to him.

"What'd you want me to save it as?", He asks and I blink. Well I don't know.. maybe my name.

"Abby?", I say in a question tone.

"No. How about something that says Abby but isn't Abby", he suggests and I raise a brow at his suggestion. Ok what?.

"Um..", I trail and for some reason the word fat suddenly appears in my mind. I gulp looking down. Is there anything else that could describe me. My eyes water at the thought.

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