Celebration Aftermath🏎️🚦

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F1 2023 Gridchat

Brittany: I'm dying😭

Milkboi: Same

Banana: Same

Estie bestie: Same for Mick. He's literally dying

Grid mum: Oh no, do u need some help?

Maple syrup: ughhhhhhhhhh

Estie bestie: Yes plz Seb, both Lance and Mick are dying. Mick is way worse tho

Grid mum: Okay, we're on our way.

Estie bestie: Thank u 🙏

Milkboi: Los????

Chilli: What's up muppet?

Milkboi: Where r u

Chilli: At the store getting a hangover cure for u

Milkboi: ❤️❤️❤️

Ham: Seb i think the majority of the grid are dying

Maxy: I'm not

Botass🍑: Neither

Jense: Neither am i

Multi 21: Nor me

Nando: I am dying tbf

Brittany: Same nando, same

Facts!: IM AM TOO😭

Fake blonde: He actually is

Pastry: Guys, i'm in the hospital

Merica🇺🇸🦅: It's true i cried


Merica🇺🇸🦅: He fell last night on the curb as we were leaving the club, cut his head and has to get stitches. He's on concussion watch at the moment. Mark i'll send you my location.

Multi 21: Thank you i'm on my way right now

Grid mum: Jesus Christ, i told you all to not die last night!!!!!!

Pastry: I'm alive Seb, i'm sorry for stressing you guys out

Milkboi: Oscarrrr noooooo. Shall i come join u?

Pastry: It's ok Lando. just try and make yourself feel better.

Grid dad: Bwoah, Yuki how r u

Master chef: ughhhhhhhhhhhhh ughhhhhhhhhhh ughhhhhhhhh

Grid dad: bwaoh

Grid mum: kimi u should have never told him to mix the alcohol with red bull

Jense: Seb speak for yourself, you used to do that

Grid mum: Well.... i was reckless but now i don't want anyone to be hurt

Master chef: I'll be fine seb

Pear: He's dying xoxoxox

Master chef: LIES

Banana: xoxo Gossip girl

Golden retriever: HEY! that's oscar's thing😭

Honey badger: MICK??? how r u little one

Golden retriever: I've never seen more alcohol and blood in the toilet ever before

Maxy: aw shit. that sucks

Grid mum: Darling we are on our way, nearly there

Golden retriever: nooo Seb, don't worry i don't wanna waste your time i will be fine

Grid mum: Nope, your my son, we'll be there!

Golden retriever: ok😭

Ham: Guys. For christmas are we all going back to the house?

Milkboi: Yup

Maxy: Yesss

Pastry: yup

Merica🇺🇸🦅: ya

Pear: yeah

Master chef: yes

Jense: of course

Multi 21: we'll be there

Grid mum: us too

Golden retriever: 👍

Botass🍑: Sorry guys, i'm going back to finland

Fashion icon: Same, i'm with my family

K-mag: Me and Nico are with family too, sorry guys

Ham: That's okay. See you soon

Mikkboi: Can we buy the tree when we get home?

Banana: OOO and lights and other decorations

Facts!: Don't forgot christmas bedding

Grid mum: Of course kids, we will do it all when we get home

Maxy: YAY


Banana: YAYYYY

Ham: I'm gonna close this groupchat now cuz the season is over. I'll see you all next year for the 2024 Season!!

Ham has closed the groupchat


Hey Guys, this book is ending as it is the end of the 2023 Season. Happy Everyone is racing again next year and i can't wait for the season to start again🎉

I'm going to be creating a new story for the christmas period and the F1 drivers in the house celebrating it. It will be the same story line as the group chat and all relationships and things remain the same.

Hope you guys will read that one too, thank you all for the support of this book.

Flo x

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