Doctors appointments🏎️🚦

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Grid mum: okay i have booked everyone a doctors appointment for 10:00am because i've realised you all need the flu vaccine. Please make sure you are there as i do not want to be dealing with sick kids.

Golden retriever: we r gonna be late cuz i have to go to the hospital to get my foot checked

Grid mum: Okay that's fine, i presume Lance and Estie are going with you?

Maple syrup: Yup, need to beat this Linda bitch up🔪🔪🔪🔪🔫🔫🔫

Estie bestie: i'm gonna drown her in porridge like she tried to do to Mick 🥣🥣🥣🥣

Grid dad: Bwoah, let me know if you want backup

Grid mum: Lance, Estie and Mick. Please don't get hurt but make sure you hurt her!!!!!!! 😡😡😡

Ham: Seb!!???😨

Grid mum: She hurt my son, i had to!

Golden retriever: 🥺🥺🥺

Grid mum: 🤗🤗🤍🤍

Milkboi: Moving onnnnnnnn, Chilli and i will be there

Banana: Same, Will do👍

Honeybadger: Question? do people with elite immune systems have to get this done?

Facts!: 😂

Master chef: daniel😂😂

Maxy: Daniel, i-

Ham: No no, that's actually a fair point🤨

Grid mum: Yes Daniel, everyone is having it. End of!

Nando: Kids do any of u need a lift?

Master chef: YES, i do not want to drive with Granny Pierre again 👵

Pear: It wasn't that bad!!!!!

Master chef: it was

Multi 21: okay Yuki and Pierre we'll pick u up

Jense: Anyone else??

Pastry: Do you mind picking me and logan up?

Milkboi: OMG OSCAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jense: yes of course

Milkboi: OSCAR

Pastry: Thanks jense

Milkboi: OSCAR

Pastry: one question, how will we all fit?

Milkboi: OSCAR

Jense: You Logan and me will take the Mclaren, Nando Mark, Pierre and Yuki will take the Aston


Pastry: Thanks jense, what time are you picking us up?


Jense: are you still on the beach?


Pastry: Yup, still on the boat

Milkboi:Oscar plz

Jense: okay, we will be there in say 40 minutes

Milkboi: Oscar Oscar Oscar

Brittany: Oi Oi Oi 😂

Honeybadger: you got enough time to have a quickie oscar😉😉

Milkboi: Oscar😪

Banana: Anyone else laughing their heads of at Lando just being completely ignored🤣

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