Capture the flag🏎️🚦

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The drivers were still asleep in the living room but slowly waking up. Nico was awake but was too comfortable to move, he loved just laying here with Lewis. The others started to shift and wake up around them but it wasn't until Oscar asked about breakfast that they actually moved.
"Cereal" - Nando
"No, Oscar what would you like, we aren't just having cereal there are other options" - Seb
"Um, waffles maybe?"
"Everyone okay with waffles?" - Seb
"Yeah sure" - Everyone
"Okay i'll make them" - Seb
"Can i help?" - Oscar
"Of course" - Seb
"Why is Oscar able to help but we can't?" - Lando
"Becuase i trust him more around a kitchen." - Seb
"Yeah Seb had a point, Lando you set everything on fire" - Lewis
The drivers started to move around in the room but before anyone could leave the door bell rang. Mark stood up and went to the door. It was delivery.
"Kimi, you have a parcel!" - Mark
"Bwaoh, give it to Mick" - Kimi
"Wait what?" - Mick
"It's yours, open it" - Kimi
Mick opened the parcel and as soon as he saw what was in it he flew at Kimi. Kimi caught him and returned the hug.
"It's ok?" - Kimi
"Yeah, thank u" - Mick
Mick buried himself into Kimi and just clung to him. He was very happy and Kimi was glad to see him smile again.
"What is it?" - Lando
"Yeah please, we wanna know" - Charles
"It's a new bear onesie, he had one when he was a baby and said he wanted a new one" - Kimi
"Aw that's adorable. I want to see Mick as a fluffy bear" - Daniel
"Same" - Kevin
Mick just nodded and went back to the sofa where the onesie was, he took it out of the packaging and then proceeded to change into it. It was super fluffy and liked very comfortable and everyone agreed Mick looked very cute.
"I love thanks Mimi" - Mick
"That's okay baby bear" - Kimi
Kimi gave Mick another hug and also flipped the hood up which revealed some fluffy ears.
"I want one they look so comfy" - Lando
"They are, we should all get one" - Mick
"Yesssss omg im getting a honey badger" - Daniel
"Everyone start looking for one, let's all get fluff suits" - Max
The kids all gor their phones out and started to look for onesies. Mick was still cuddled into Kimi who was gently rubbing his back.
"Do you need your meds?" - Kimi
"Yeah but i'll take them with breakfast, i don't want to move now. I'm comfy" - Mick
"Okay" - Kimi
Kimi kissed Mick's head and just continued to cuddle him. It was a nice comfortable atmosphere in the room and it was rather peaceful. Someone had got the TV on and they continued the Harry Potter movies while breakfast was being made. Once it was ready they all piled into the dining room and began to eat the waffels. Seb had also cut up a lot of fruit which many of the drivers added to their waffles. There was also a load of whipped cream, syrup, marshmallows and sprinkles. The kids had added so much to their waffles that the actual waffle was almost impossible to see. Seb was mildly regretting the idea of waffles as he knew the kids would have a massive sugar rush. Luckily, Lewis had an idea,
"Guys what do you say about a game of Capture the Flag?"
"YES" - Everyone
"Okay, everyone go upstairs and get ready, wear suitable clothing and shoes, we don't need a more broken ankles" - Lewis
"Rude" - Mick
"Sorry darling but you know what i mean" - Lewis
"I know, it's okay" - Mick
"Seb, Kimi and Mick will be the rule masters and will make the teams, everyone else you'll be playing" - Lewis
"Can i get the face paint?" - Lando
"You have face paint?" - Jenson
"Yup, we were gonna use it for pranks but this might be better" - Lando
"Sure grab it when you come back down" - Seb
They all jumped down from the table and sprinted upstairs to get changed. Seb, Kimi and Mick started to clear up the table, once it was done they sorted the teams.

 Seb, Kimi and Mick started to clear up the table, once it was done they sorted the teams

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Everyone had come back down stairs and they moved into their teams. Seb gave each team a flag and they all went outside into the woods. They had to mark out a boundary and two halves. Once they had all done that Seb took one team back up to the house while the other hid the flag. Marks team had decided to put the flag in a hole in a tree but had some of it still visible. Jensons team however went for the height approach and decided they were putting it up in a tree. Both teams by this point had his the flags and the game was about to begin. Seb, Kimi and Mick we're on quad bikes and would be riding them around to check no one was cheating.
"Ready!!" - Seb
"Go!" - Kimi
Each team sprinted to the other side and began searching. Lando Charles and Daniel had gone as a three and they were searching up the trees thinking the other team had done what they did.
Yuki George Oscar and Logan had decided to go along the border of area and we're trying to sneak round the back and not get caught. It was going pretty well so far and then they stumbled upon Carlos Max and Pierre. They quickly hid the trees and listened in on their conversation.
"They won't find it, the tree is too sheltered" - Max
"Exactly and they will never expect to look inside of it, they'll be basic and only look for it in the sky" - Carlos
"Yup, we're so gonna win this" - Pierre
The team had heard enough and started to sneak back to their own base. Each teams had been given walkie talkies, so they radioed for their entire team to come back and have a meeting.
Both teams returned to their bases started their meetings.
"Okay guys what have we found?" - Jenson
"Basically their flag is hidden inside a tree, they called us basic cuz we hid ours up one". Yuki
"Damn okay, at least we are on a level playing field and we know how they have hidden them." - Jenson
"Yup, now we just need to figure out which tree" - Lewis
"I passed a tree with a hole in when i was looking. I don't know if it's the right one" Tonio
"Okay, one group go with Tonio and start looking the others we keep the opposition distracted" - Jenson
Meanwhile the other team's meeting was going in a p
similar fashion.
"Right we know they've hidden it up the tree, question is, how do we get it down." - Mark
"Someone can climb it" - Nico R
"Too much of a risk, it's easy to tag them then" - Carlos
"We could all go, that way they would have to tag everyone and surely someone would be make it up the tree" - Pierre
"But we would need someone to stay to free us all" - Alex
"Yeah that's not going to work we need another plan" - Mark
"What if we try kncoing it down?" - Max
"Like throwing something at it?" - Carlos
"That could work, right Max gather a team and things to throw at it and get going. Let's win this!" - Mark
Both teams had their plans ready and the game soon began again. Tonio had found the tree and could see the flag peeking out of the hole.
"Come on guys let's go!!" - Daniel
The team grabbed the flag and sprinted back to their base.
Jensons team we're celebrating the win rather loudly and everyone applauded them. They were all pretty tired and had skipped lunch due to the big breakfast. Seb suggested they go back and the loosing team has to do dinner. They reluctantly agreed and all troped slowly back up too the house. Everyone had showers and then dinner was starting to be made. Once they had all eaten, everyone curled up in the living room and began to finish of the Harry Potter series.

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