Ikea Trip Pt2🏎️🚦

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Group one had gone in already and they proceeded to run around the entire first section looking for anything they could buy. Lando and Carlos had found the lights and Lando decided he was going to try every single one of them, so all you could see was lights flicking on and off. Constantly for about 5 minutes untill Alex got so fed up with the strobe lightning that he just pulled Lando away.

"NOOOOOO i need to pick new lights" - Lando
"Well you can do that without turning every single on and off 50 times!!!" - Alex
"Ughhh ok, Carlos help me with this plz" - Lando
"Okay" - Carlos

Carlos and Lando went back to the lights to figure out which they would be getting. They chose some nice modern ones with a warmer brightness rather than super bright white lights. They also picked out new lampshades and those were navy blue and gold. They had decided their room was going to be dark blue, gold and a bit of white.

Alex and George had decided they were going to go for a natural vibe and had gone for more neutral colours like beige, white and a grey. They too had found the lights which they wanted and now just needed the paints.

Max and Charles were doing a similar thing as Lando and Carlos but we're going with emerald green, mustard yellow and a light coral. They had picked their lighting and now they had decided on doing those three colours. They were just picking out the exact shade and paints they would use and then they were done.

Daniel and Tonio came over to join them since they were happy with the current lighting and only needed some paint. They were planning on a burgundy colour with a white and maybe a speck of green. They found it very quickly and now decided to help the others because they knew it would take ages otherwise.

After they had all found their lighting the paints were fairly easy to figure out. Group 1 was finally out of the first bit and they continued around the rest of the shop. The next couple of sections weren't that relevant and no one wanted anything there. The group knew they had time to spare and decided to do a quick round of hide and seek. Daniel and Tonio were seeking and the rest hiding. Lando decided he was going to lay in a bath, Alex was hiding under towels, George was hidden in the shower, Max was hiding in a cupboard and Charles decided to hide in a massive bucket of pillows. it was safe to say George and Lando were found first Max was next and surprising Alex and Charles were doing really well. It took a while for both of them to be found but somehow Alex was the winner.

After playing and messing around for a bit they realised they needed to move on rather quickly to ensure they got to the canteen on time. The hurried through and picked up some decorate pillows, sheets and a few other things. It wasn't until they were 3 minutes away they properly stopped.
"OMG STOP" - Lando
"What? why?" - Tonio
"I NEED IT NOW!" - Lando

Suddenly Lando sprinted off over to shelves of stuffed toys and picked up a large fluffy worm. The other drivers swiftly followed and gathered their own toys. Once they had got them they went back the way they came and dropped off their trolleys. They then walked into the canteen and found a table for themselves, the others would have to sit in their groups as there wasn't a big enough table. They had sat down for only a couple of minutes when group 2 and group 4 came in.

"Hey you lot, how's it going?" - Jenson
"Yeah we're good, you?" - Alex
"We're alright thank you. Let's wait for the last group then we can all get food. Have you guys got everything you need so far?" - Mark
"Yup i got a worm" - Lando
"A plushie worm by the way not a real one" - Carlos
"Oh thank god, i was scared" - Oscar

A few moments later group 3 walked through the doors as well. They came over and checked in with everyone before the drivers went to get food. Everyone got their food and began to eat. Most of the drivers had meat balls but obviously Lewis had a salad. They had spent a while in the canteen by now and Seb and Kimi went up to get a few extra bits. Once they were all finished in the canteen they continued their shopping.

Group 2 we're having a super chill time and nothing really eventful went on, they all picked what they wanted and said they would help one another if they needed inspiration or help building. They hadn't had an issues which was nice as they were all fed up of the chaos.

Group 4 were also having a good time, Logan and Oscar were having tons of fun trying all the different beds and Jenson just rolled their eyes at them. Yuki and Pierre were doing similar things but with the sofas. Mark and Fernando were also looking at a new bed because theirs didn't quite give the room they all wanted. They had found one and got Jense to come over. They all tried it and decided that was the one they were going for. Once the group had decided on beds they had decided to get some fairy lights which they would put in it to create a cosy atmosphere as Nando loved to read at night and the lights were too bright.

Group 2 were also enjoying it. Seb was happy his boy was getting along with his boyfriends again. It was clear Esteban had a lot of making up to do but he was trying so it was good enough for Seb. Seb and Kimi decided they would turn one of the rooms in the house into a games room for all of the kids. They grabbed loads of foam blocks which could be used to make dens and whatever else the kids wanted to make. The room would also have the X box, Nintendo switch and a large TV in it. They also thought they should get some cool lights and furniture so the kids had somewhere to sit. They got loads of activities and games which could be used so their eyes wouldn't rot being sat in-front of a TV screen all day. Seb and Kimi were in charge of the room with some input from the kids as they could not be trusted with all of it otherwise it would be a complete disaster and would never function.

The drivers were all nearing the end when they met back up together. They all went through the checkout tills and then loaded it all into the cars. It was tricky and they had to get a moving van for the big items but it all worked out and they were on the way home.

Kimi and Seb were in the car and Seb was still a little bit worried about Mick, considering the younger driver was passed out on Esteban's shoulder and looked utterly exhausted. Once they got onto the driveway Esteban carried Mick inside and the all of the drivers got everything back inside the house. It was around half six so not too late but still Mick was so tired. Once everyone had the furniture in the rooms they all came back together and sat in the living room ready for another movie night.

Esteban had put Mick in their bed, he was hugging his new shark which he had called Sharkie (very original i know) but it was soft and provided comfort so they allowed it. Mick looked so peaceful lying in bed, Esteban knew that he was so tired due to the stress of the drama he had caused, he felt terribly guilty and somehow Mick sensed it. He woke up and asked if he was okay

"Hey, what's going on?" - Mick
"Oh nothing, i'm fine you should sleep more by the way." - Estabn
"Estie, talk to me please" - Mick
"I just still feel bad about how i treated you i'm so sorry" - Esteban
"I get it and we talked about. We're fixing the problem and taking it slow and it's okay. If you say sorry one more time i will slap you with the shark" - Mick
"Sorry" - Estaban
"Wait oh god sorry i-"
"S.. I um, didn't mean to say IT" - Esteban
Mick had the shark raised for another bonk, but it never came. The two laughed at the silliness of themselves and Mick said he didn't regret it. He was tired tho and told Esteban not to wake him up when they had dinner as he wasn't hungry. Once they finished the conversation Mick fell back into the pillows and wrapped himself around the shark once more.
"Night baby. Sleep well" - Esteban

Esteban kissed Mick's forehead and the tucked the covers up to his chin. He slowly crept out of the room and back downstairs to finish the movie.

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