The Car Journey🏎️🚦

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Most of the car journeys were going smoothly, Seb was having a nice time in his car which was expected seeing he had Mick, Lance, Esteban and Oscar. Seb could see that Oscar was missing Logan it he was soon distracted by Mick quickly starting up a conversation about how much chaos the twitch quartet was going to cause. Lance and Estie just watched their boyfriend rant about if they dare try anything with glitter. It was quite amusing to them seeing Micks face darken and frown as he went on about how glitter never comes out and how he would get Kimi to murder them if even one sparkle of glitter gets anywhere within a 5 foot radius of him. Oscar just laughed and agreed with him, saying that having Lando as a teammate was just as chaotic.

Kimi's car was also rather quiet, no one wanted to annoy him, specially not when he was worried about both Seb and Mick. Val was talking quietly to Zhou about the proper sauna technique and how he should try it some time. Zhou looked mildly horrified but reluctantly agreed in the end.

Lewis's car was somewhat loud but not enough that he couldn't handle it. Nico had connected his phone to the speakers and was playing some music. George Alex and Logan were in a heated discussion over who was going to finish last in the constructors world championship, Logan and Alex were both convinced it was going to be the alpha tauris, but George had his mind set on alpha romeo. Eventually when the noise reached a level which Lewis could no longer bear he screamed at them to all shut up.
"No more tlaking about this, i'm sick of it. Talk about dinosaurs or something. Just please nothing F1 related" - Lewis
"Sure. Logan what's your favourite dinosaur?" - George
The three boys slowly began talking about the dinosaurs, which was the fastest which was the most dangerous which had this and that and what not, Lewis began to slowly drown them out and focus on the road, he nearly jumped out of his skin when Nico placed his hand on Lewis's thigh.
"What's wrong love?, you seem really distracted" - Nico
"Nothing baby, i'm just tired and little worried about Seb and Mick." - Lewis
"Lew you know they will be fine, Seb's too stubborn to let anything happen to him and Mick's healing fast. We can sleep on the plane too, but i can drive if you want?" - Nico
"That would be good, thanks. I'll pull over now" - Lewis
Lewis pulled the car over to the side of the road, George, Alex and Logan were immediately concerned
"What wrong, how come we've stopped?" - Alex
"I'm just swapping with Nico, im alright just really tired". - Lewis
"Ah okay, i was worried something happened" - George
Lewis and Nico quickly swapped over and they got going again. The boys continued their conversation on dinosaurs and it was rather peaceful after that.

Meanwhile Jenson's car was a bit chaotic with Yuki and Pierre performing their karaoke in the back seats. Nando was subjected to what felt like the worst torture in the world. He was sat in the back between two screeching males and he couldn't think of anything worse. Slowly but surely he was loosing his mind. His eyes nearly bulging out of his head and his fists clenched so hard they were turning white. Mark turned behind him and saw the look on fernando's face.
"HEY!! you two dipsticks" - Mark
"Yeah?" - Yuki
"Can you two stop, look at Nando, he's nearly dying" - Mark
"oh shit, i'm sorry nando we didn't realise" - Yuki
"It's okay yukes, i know." - Fernando
Yuki snuggled into the side of Fernando, and Fernando wrapped and arm around Yuki.
"i promise, it's fine yukes, just maybe next time not so loud" - Fernando
Fernando pressed a kiss into Yukis hair and just let him cuddle into his side, he closed his eyes and enjoyed the peace.

Last but not least, Carlos's car. Pure chaos was the only way to describe it. The music was blasting loudly and each memeber of the car was screaming, Daniel had decided to attack Lando but in doing so he did over Charles, Charles had both Lando and Daniel on his lap and they were squabbling like children. Just then Taylor Swift 'We are never getting back together'. Everyone in the car gasped and shot bolt upright, the boys were well rehearsed and as soon as the first line came on. Lando began
"I remember when we broke up the first time" - Lando
"Saying, This is it, I've had enough, cause like" - Daniel
"We hadn't seen each other in a month" - Max
"When you said you needed space" - Charles
"Then you come around again and say" - Lando
"Baby, I miss you and I swear I'm gonna change, trust me" - Daniel
"Remember how that lasted for a day?" - Max
"I say I hate you we break up you call me I love you" - Charles
We called it off again last night, but
This time, I'm telling you, I'm telling you"
- Everyone
The song continued and the boys carried on singing their lines. By the end of it they were all exhausted and started to just rest.
"Guys, that was brilliant. We should perform for everyone on the plane" - Lando
"Omg yes let's do it" - Daniel
"Guys we are nearly here can you please be quiet for a bit i need to concentrate" - Carlos
"Of course chilli, we'll plan the concert later" - Lando
The last five minutes of the journey were filled with small whispers from the boys. Carlos sighed in relief. Finally the chaos was over.

......... or was it

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