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Everyone had piled into the cars and they were driving to the supermarket. Once they got there people split into groups and each group had a trolley.

The kids decided that they were going to buy tons and tons of sweets and fizzy drinks and overall just not healthy food. The adult however, knew the kids were going to do this and so they bought food which would actually make meals and be healthy. Seb was in the milk isle when Lando and Charles came wizzing past in trolleys which Max and Carlos were pushing. Seb turned to them and shot them a death glare.
"What do you think your doing?" - Seb
"Um racing?" - Charles
"Ugh, just don't get hurt" - Seb
"We won't" - Lando
The kids went back to their racing and began zooming around the shop.

Meanwhile Lewis had been looking at something which would keep the kids entertained, he bought quite a few different games and movies which he thought would keep them busy. He also bought two flags, he had a plan to release the kids energy and keep them calm.

Lando and Carlos and Max and Charles and Pierre and Yuki were lined up at one end of an isle while Daniel, Alex and George were stood at the other. Daniel had his arm raised in the air and was beginning the countdown of the race.
"3,2,1 Go!" - Daniel
Everyone was screaming loudly as the carts were thrown down the isle, suddenly George lost control and
accidentally clipped Pierre and Yuki, they went spinning but luckily Pierre managed to keep it out of the food, George and Alex had to slow down too and just as they looked up Max and Charles had won.
Max and Charles were celebrating as the rest crossed the line. As soon as everyone had stopped Pierre yelled at George for causing the collision. It didn't stop until Daniel spoke up
"Guys guys, please. The Master has decided. George caused the collision. 5 second time penalty putting them last" - Daniel
"JUSTICE!!!!" - Yuki
Yuki screamed and Pierre pushed the cart away and they ran off down the next isle.

The rest of the twitch quartet then decided they were going to pick out which colour glitter to buy. They also got confetti and balloons. The house didn't know what was coming!

After a while everyone had gathered at the front of the shop to pay. The kids only had sweet stuff with a few random bits, Lewis mainly had salad and things for Roscoe, and Valterri well he had a shopping cart full of alcohol, mainly vodka but there was a few beers hidden in there. Seb just sighed knowing it was a loosing battle to try and persuade people to go for better options.

They paid and we're getting out of the shop when the twitch quartet wanted another race. This time it would be done fairly and somewhere where it wouldn't matter if they crashed. There was no one around and so they marked out a course in the car park. The kids got into the trolleys and started to prepare themselves.
"Is everyone ready?" - Seb
"YA" - Kids
"Okay, 3,2,1. Go!" - Seb
The kids were off and running round the car park, they took the turns and twists as well as they could and no contact was made but as they were nearing the finish, one of the carts wheels broke. It was Lando and Carlos's and they came crashing down to the ground. They were out of the race. There was only a couple of bits left of the track and Max and Charles were winning again. But Yuki and Pierre was very close behind, It was close but Max and Charles won. They celebrated and were very happy.
"So, what's our prize?" - Max
"What do you want?" - Seb
"First pick for movie night" - Charles
"Okay, sure" - Seb
"Yay, thank you" - Max
"Right let's get going. Lando, Carlos are you okay?" - Jense
"Yup we're good" - Lando
"Good, let's get going then" - Seb
Everyone piled back in to the cars. It was a successful shopping trip and the kids were finally tired after running around for the day. Seb was also feeling better. Mick not so much but he was getting love and care from his boyfriends so he knew he would be okay.

Once they got back to the house and all the food was away, Seb had wrote them all a list of chores and was now dishing them out. Turns out that it was Ferrari's turn to cook for them tonight. Jenson would supervise and help. The Ferrari boys were going to make pizza and pasta for everyone and they got to work. The kitchen ended up being a huge mess but in the end the food was looking good. While everything was cooking the boys were cleaning the kitchen and Jenson was changing the pizzas. The kitchen looked good by the end of the cooking and Seb had got the Mercedes boys to set the table and soon everyone was sat round and very hungry. The boys bought out the food and everyone began to eat. They all were surprised as to how good the food was but then again Jenson helped with it a lot.

After dinner was all tidied away everyone went to the living room to watch a movie. They decided they were going to watch the Harry Potter movies. When the end credits rolled of the 4th movie most of the drivers were asleep. Lewis took a quick photo of everyone all snuggled together. He then closed his eyes and fell asleep with Nico cuddled into him. For once, there was quiet in the house.

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