[Chapter 5] Baby Wails & Dinosaur Tails

Start from the beginning

Damien: "No it's not!"

Zee: "Oooh! I'll take some!"

[Zee walks over and takes a handful.]

(Y/N): "Yeah that's fair, but I don't really think you had to make, these."

[You hold one of the pins and play with it in your hand.]

Zee: "I dunno man, they're pretty neat!"

[You look over and Zee has them almost everywhere on his body.]

*Confessional Booth*

Scary Girl: "Aww, but if Damien leaves, I'll won't be able to hear him scream whenever I watch him from the corner of his room!" [She looks at the camera with a pout.]


Damien: "See, Zee gets it! Anyways I need to go hand these to the others."

[He walks off with his box, as Zee walks up to you.]

Zee: "Hey you gonna use that?"

[He points at the pin as you just hand him it.]

Zee: "Thanks! I'm gonna put one on my can."

[He pokes the can with it as soda bursts out.]

Zee: "Agh! Wait, I have an idea!"

[He puts his lips over the can and starts to drink the geyser of soda coming out as you look at Scary Girl.]

(Y/N): "Wanna just go to the main lodge."

[She looks back over at Zee as some of the soda can be seen leaking out as he continue to drinks it.]

Scary Girl: "Yeah.."

*Scene Change*

[You both enter the main lodge and see that todays breakfast is beans for some reason.]

(Y/N): "Eww, beans? I'll pass."

Scary Girl: "Same."

[You both sit down as Julia comes over to your table.]

Julia: "Hey you two!"

[Scary Girl fidgets with the skull a bit as you look up at her.]

(Y/N): "Hey, Julia was it?"

Julia: "Yup! We haven't spoken much since we first arrived here so I'd might as well come over and say hi!"

(Y/N): "Yeah that's fair, given how we're on opposite teams and all."

Julia: "Yeah that stinks, and can I be honest, have you even brushed your teeth since you got here, because you could really use a mint."

[Scary Girl shoots her a side glare as you smell your breath, doesn't smell bad but not good either.]

(Y/N): "Yes I have been. I just haven't had a chance to yet this morning."

Julia: "I see I see. Well I'll leave you two to it then, it was nice being able to talk to you."

[She gets up and walks away as Scary Girl tracks her with her eyes."

Scary Girl: "...I don't like her.."

[You turn to her, confused.]

(Y/N): "What do you mean, sure her remark was a bit rude but it's not like she was lying either."

Scary Girl: "She's hiding something, I know it..."

[You sigh and put your hand on the top of her head.]

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