Chapter Twenty-two: Something Very Specific

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"Once upon a time, there was a dragon."

"The dragon was you, Gilvin."

"Sometimes it disguised itself human. Sometimes it dreamed it was in a land of jacuzzis."

"Sometimes it dreamed it was in a land of wizards."

"Sometimes it dreamed it was in a new land with unusual sights. Sights that couldn't be explained, so unlike the other worlds."

"Let's go back."

"No. Let's just shift the conversation this time, ok? Okay, let's go. You are in grave danger. There are gods out to make you disappear without a trace."

"How?" I asked.


"Okay. What is that?"

"☠︎🕆︎☠︎✡︎✌︎ 👌︎🕆︎💧︎✋︎☠︎☜︎💧︎💧︎!"

I sighed.

"Well, we have gone too far already. You must figure it out on your own."

"Find those who are lost."

"Shut up."

"Defeat the one you thought was already destroyed."

"Shut up!"

"Survive five nights!"

"Shut up! Wait, that's not even part of this."

"And win with broken innocence."


"Go save yourself!"

"Okay, now we go. Bye!"

"You are the dragon, Gilvin."

"Wake up."


I opened my eyes.

"What was that?" I asked.

"What was what?" Wetlava asked.

"Something very specific," I said.

"Okay. That's not good enough."

"Okay. I'm in grave danger according to the weird poetic voices. People are gonna kill me."

"Okay," Sev said. "Just kill them first."

"By the way, these people are gods."

"Okay," Sev said. "Never mind."

"They said I need to figure things out. Also, I need to find those who are lost, defeat the one we thought was destroyed, survive five nights, and win with broken innocence."

"Fine then."

"Let's think," Penira said. "Who is lost? Who do we think is destroyed? How much hell are we going to go through during these five nights? What broken innocence do we need?"

Penira and I exchanged looks.

"The villagers," we said in unison.

"What did you do?" Mrs. Fif said.

"Nothing," I said.

We ran to the End and said nothing about what happened. When we arrived, the villagers were waiting for their houses.

"Where are our homes?" one asked.

"Change of plans, we have to run," I said. "You're gonna SAVE the world."

"Not the world," a voice said. We turned around and saw the hooded figure. "This is just one world. There are more worlds you will save. We will save millions of worlds if we succeed. First, we must leave this dimension."

"What?" I asked. "Okay. Let's go."

Suddenly, a portal opened up to engulf us. Down went me, Penira, Sev, Mr. For, Mrs. Fif, Wetlava, some endermen, some shulkers, and a villager. We were on a floating log raft, showing so many portals. Far below us, there was a blue acid. It looked dangerous. All around us, there were portals.

"Okay," the hooded figure said. "Finally. I have always wanted to get here! Anyway, according to my handbook, that portal is the Portal Portal that leads to the Portal dimension."

He pointed to a portal that was half orange and half blue. It seemed safe enough. I put my head through it and saw that it was full of puzzles and shapes I had never seen before. They were so smooth. They weren't as jagged as everything else I had seen.

"It seems safe," I said.

"Then let's go," the hooded figure said.

We all jumped through the portal.

"Who are you?" said a female robot. She was ginormous and hanging from the ceiling. "How did you get here? I have enough test subjects. I could experiment on you. I wonder if you have immunity to neurotoxin."

"What if we don't?" Penira asked.

"Then you'll die."

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