Chapter Nine: The Other World

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The portal didn't have a frame. It was just a floating symbol that looked like the faces of many creepers. When Sev and Penira went through the portal, they saw a wooden raft that was floating in the sky and moving at a leisurely pace. There were countless portals to places from where they were before...

Or maybe they were other worlds.

There was a glow from the portal they came through. The raft passed by it after Sev and Penira had begun falling. There was a portal at the bottom, which wasn't too far down, but also a green liquid around it, along with other portals. The liquid did not look safe (I had a shulker check, as endermen are hurt by water).

Sev and Penira fell into the portal. There was a wolf there. It did not have a collar but also did not accept bones from Sev. There was a man there. He was in a blue robe with white stars printed on it. This was not a normal world. He was floating and held a metal rod with a star at the tip. He wore a pointed hat and had a long, white beard.

"Hey," Sev said. "We have some questions for you."

"Who are you?" the man asked.

"The bad cop, dammit!" Sev shouted. "Tell me where he is!"

"Who dares awaken Merlin?" the man said. "I will turn you into animals!"

The dog jumped and tackled Merlin. He was pushed back he looked severely injured. The dog jumped and did the final blow. Merlin died, leaving only a strange potion and the rod.

"You got me with just one hit," Merlin's voice said as he died. "Good job! Here's the cure. I hate you."

The hooded figure took the wand and the potion. The dog growled.

"WHERE IS THE GUY?" Sev screamed.

"The one Gilvin could trust," Penira calmly said. "You know?"

"Haven't seen him since he fell into this world," the figure said. "Or so I thought."

"What do you mean?" Penira asked. "What did you do?"

"I did what I could do," the figure said. "I can travel through worlds. Unlike most people, I can bring things with me, but some items don't work unless the world's leader allows them to exist. I wanted to show other people other worlds, but that is shamed by your world. From what that guy said, he turned the guy you're looking for into an animal."

They uncapped the potion and handed it to the dog, who drank it. The dog turned into a human.

"Finally," the guy said. "Apparently, all I had to do was kill the old fool. He was really weak."

"Who are you?" Sev asked.

"I am Wetlava," the boy said. "Brother of Gilvin."

"Really?" Sev asked. "So, in that case..."

Sev ran over to Wetlava and started pulling his face.

"Wow," he said. "How did you know?"

"His head was spinning in circles," Penira said.

"I'm not blood-related to him," Wetlava said.

"Oh." Sev stopped pulling my brother's face.

"Great," said the hooded figure. "Now, go through the portal and back home. I will close it. The only reason it's still open is in case the guy wasn't dead, and he isn't."

Penira, Sev, Wetlava, and the hooded figure all went through the portal and were shot through the portal back to our home world.


"You want me to buy that?" I asked the enderman who was spying on them.

"It's true," the shulker said.

"My brother is alive," I said. "They might actually care. Maybe I can do something for them. I'm done with trying it on them. It will never work. Maybe I can try it on someone else."

"No," the enderman said. "You can do it on anyone dead."

"Not on my parents, apparently."

The enderman snickered.


"A-parent-ly," the enderman said.

I couldn't help but laugh, but I knew what I had to do was risky.

I had to go to people who helped kill me.

I had pieced it together. Sev had dropped a journal that belonged to his parents, but they had forgotten it at home when going on a big mission with two names I recognized: my parents. My parents had gone on the adventure with two other people. They had two kids.

They never wrote what the adventure was. They were off to defeat my blood-related dad. They had not seen what had happened with Bob101. Their kids did not sneak after them into the End like I had. They had been murdered when they had followed Bob101 into a cave for interrogation on where my parents were. Luckily, they thought it was too dangerous to leave their kids at home. Sev and Penira got revenge.

They didn't know I was a dragon. They would not hesitate to kill me.

But I could revive one human, and so could my dad. By killing him for the second time, I had stolen his ability to revive one person. I could not seem to revive my parents for some reason. I tried hard.

So I decided to revive Sev and Penira's parents instead.

I would not do it in the End. That would have been stupid. They would destroy it.

Plus, it would be more heartwarming to revive them at their house.

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