Chapter 18+: I didn't forget anything.

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When everyone else arrived, they put the boats in minecarts and pushed them towards home. The minecarts gained speed and we got in the boats.

"Did you sleep?" Sev asked.

"No," I said.

"I thought you always carried a bed on you. Did you not bring it?"

"I forgot to," I lied, but I was starting to sweat.

"There's sweat leaking from your head," Sev said.

"Fine," I said. "I dropped it in a lava pool."

"Oh. Why?"

I said nothing.

"Why?" Sev sounded more concerned. I ignored him. "WHY?"

"WHAT?" I shouted as if I couldn't hear him. "DID YOU KNOW CREEPERS EXPLODE?"




We made it to the house and rode the carts through the portal. We released the children.

"We are not innocent enough to still be called children," one said.

The villagers spontaneously became adults.

"I'll get the job tables," Sev said.

"I can get building supplies," Wetlava, Mr. For, and Mrs. Fif said simultaneously.

They ran off through the portal.

"Alone again?" one villager said.

"When do we get alone time?" the first recruit said.

"Mih llik I nac?" an Enderman said.

"Sregalliv eht fo tnorf ni ton," I said.

The enderman grabbed the recruit and teleported away. I got out food.

"You all have fun," I said, handing bread to the villagers. "See you later!"

Penira and I jumped through the portal. Suddenly, I was asleep. I heard voices.

"I see the mob you mean," one voice said.

"Gilvin?" a second said.

"Yes. It has come a long way, has been through a lot."

"Schizophrenia?" I asked. "Is that you?"

"It can hear us," the second voice said.

"Yes, Two, it has reached a higher level. It can read our thoughts now," the first one said.

"It has done all the crap, One. Blah blah blah words on a screen."

"Yadda yadda yadda universe loves you."

"Blah blah, how you were born."

"Yadda yaddy yad, you are the player..."

"Or not."


"You aren't a player."

"You are a dragon," One said.

"You're on a modded server," Two said.

"But you aren't part of the mod."

"You are a 🙰□︎●︎⬥︎♐︎🙵. We will need to ♑︎♒︎❖︎⬥︎◆︎❒︎♌︎ ♌︎❒︎⌧︎."

"It cannot read that thought."

"That's for the better."

"What am I?" I asked. "What will you need to do?"

"We leave you with one last thing," One said.

"Find Gullibullium and defeat Herobrine," Two said.

"What?" I asked.

"Scour the world," One said. "You can..." One sounded like they were trying not to laugh. "You can do it!"

"Accept your destiny," said Two, who also was ready to laugh.

"Wake up," they both said.


I awoke in town. I ran home and told Penira what I saw.

"The first time I left the End, I saw that, too," Penira said. "Except for the yadas and the talk about you being a dragon. They also didn't try to prank me."

"Prank?" I asked.

"Yeah," Penira said. "'Gullibullium?' Herobrine?"

"Oh," I said.

"So, what happened?"


"Last night. What happened?"

"You tell me."

"Let's just not bring it up. It's safer that way."


"The dragon fight was long ago, so where were you after the fight, before we met you?"

"A hotel."

"For years?"


"Wouldn't it have been cheaper just to buy a house?"

I paused. Penira beautifully made me feel stupid.

The awkwardness was broken by a knock on the door. A girl was there. She handed me a box, blushing and shifting. Penira did not look happy.

"This... this is for you! Take it," she said.

"Who are you?" Penira said, looking irritated.

"I'm going now!"

"No, let's chat."

"I... I should really go."

"Who is this person, Penira?" I asked.

"I don't know," she said. "But she is really acting weird."

The girl thought for a second, then blushed even more.


"Really?" Penira asked, not believing it.

"I can't explain, I don't understand. I just needed to deliver that package."

"Gilvin, open it. You, stay here. If it's shaped like a heart, I will rip out your heart."

I tried to open the package, knowing Penira was being very platonic. I then saw that it was locked. There was a 5-digit number needed to unlock it.

"What's the code?" I asked.

"I don't know," the girl said, "but I have a feeling you know."

She ran off.

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