Chapter 23

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Hailey was able to get her hands on the perfect costume for the party, she didn't decide to go because she was asked to, she decided so, because she wanted to enjoy herself just for a little bit

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Hailey was able to get her hands on the perfect costume for the party, she didn't decide to go because she was asked to, she decided so, because she wanted to enjoy herself just for a little bit.

When she arrived people were already drunk, she did spot Steve and Nancy through the crowd, and might she say, Harrington looked good in black, from where she stood she was also able to see the new guy chugging down a keg

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When she arrived people were already drunk, she did spot Steve and Nancy through the crowd, and might she say, Harrington looked good in black, from where she stood she was also able to see the new guy chugging down a keg.

" ...thirty-eight, thirty-nine, forty, forty-one, forty-two!" Everyone standing around him counted, he fell back to his feet spitting some of the beer out, and everyone else was cheering loudly, Hailey just couldn't see the appeal.



"We got ourselves a new Keg King!" Tommy yells loudly, now that Hailey think about it she hasn't seen much of the jerk in the last year, because even Steve stopped hanging out with him completely.

"Billy! Billy! Billy!" Everyone was chanting his name, Hailey noticed it was clearly boosting his ego way too much.

"That's how you do it, Hawkins!" Billy yells out.

"Billy! Billy! Billy!" The chanting just continued, as Billy and Tommy approached Steve.

"We got ourselves a new Keg King, Harrington." Tommy states, sounding way to arrogant about it, Steve only took his sunglasses the two having a stare off, Nancy walked away to the kitchen, close to wear Hailey was.

"Yeah, that's right!"

"Yeah. Eat it, Harrington."

Billy's attention moved from Steve when he noticed the girl dressed as a greek goddess, not that far from him, he left Steve behind walking up to her, a smirk already on his face.

"What's in this?" Hailey heard Nancy ask the guy standing by the punch bowl. "Pure fuel! Pure fuel! Whoo!" He yells, drinking from his glass, burping afterwards, before Hailey could escape Billy was standing very close to her, smirk plastered on his face.

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