Rachel Daly

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My mom and my teacher are dating, now that I have exams it is really hard on me. As she is staying a lot at our place and I just want to know if I passed my exams. What will happen?
Julia POV.
Hi I am Julia Daly and I am 18 years old, my mum is Rachel Daly so I spend a lot of time with the girls at Aston Villa. But not this week as I have a lot of important exams. My mom's girlfriend y/n is staying at our place sadly enough. Normally I don't have problems with that she is staying, but now I hate it. The reason for that is that she is one of my teachers, so when she is around me she even makes me more nervous for my exams. "Juul do you want a lift home or are you picking the bus?" "Bus." I snap at her. "Julia don't snap at me!" "Why not?" "I don't know what's up with you, but I don't like it! Don't think I am not telling this to your mum!" She says walking away.

When I arrive at home I see my mum and y/n cuddling on the sofa. When I enter the house I scream that I am home and go directly upstairs. As I am not in the mood for them. "Juul come drink something first!" My mom screams but I ignore her, but the decision I made wasn't the best decision. As a few minutes later my mom storms in my room. "Julia Daly if I ask you something you listen!" She says not impressed with me. "Can y/n go away?" "No and you know not to ask that question." "O so my well being is less important than her being here?" I ask with tears in my eyes. "Baby girl what's up with you? Please talk to me." "I am sure she already told you." "Yes she told me you snapped at her. And I am not happy with that. So tell me what's up with you." "Y/n even makes me more nervous for my exams. I want to do good for her, and I am really scared for my results and she knows them already." I cry my heart out. "Love why didn't you tell me earlier." "Don't know." "Let's go downstairs and talk with y/n." I nod and then me and mum go downstairs.

"Babe where are you?" Mom asks as y/n isn't in the living. "Kitchen, I started making dinner." "Can you come to the living for a moment please." "Of course." Not much later she enters the living. "What's up Juul?" She directly asks. "I am so nervous for my exam results, and going on with you makes it even more. As I don't want to fail you." "Come here love! I am sorry you are feeling like that. I really want to tell you how you did, but if I do there will be consequences for me and maybe even for you. But I can tell you don't worry! Also you will never fail me!" Y/n says pulling me in a hug. I relax a little bit, but still don't feel to sure. "What exam do you have tomorrow?" "Deutsch writing and Marketing." "That last one I did know. Do you get everything or do you want a private lesson?" Y/n asks as she is my Marketing teacher. "I think I get it." "Okay love, I am proud of you Juul."


Y/n POV.
The daughter of my girlfriend is having panic attack at the moment. She just finished her last exam of today, but she is really scared of her results once again. "Juul can you please breathe for me, you're having a panic attack." I say pulling her against me. But it isn't working so I take her to my office. I sit down on my chair with Julia on my lap, I put her head against my chest. I never saw her like this in the last 3 years I think. When she was a little bit calmer, she cuddles in me. "Can't you really say something?" I doubt what to do, I really want to tell her but officially I am not allowed. "Let's say this, I will look in your exam. And let you know what I think about it. But you can't tell anyone and it can change!" She nods in my chest. "Do you want me to call your mum to pick you up? I can't leave yet." "I will pick the bus, I don't want to be difficult." "Hey! You are never difficult for me and your mum. I will call her and tell her wat happend." She nods, so I call my girlfriend.

Hey babe!
Hey Love what's up?
Juul had a really bad panic attack, can you please pick her up and take Dexi.
Babe I can't take Dex just into the school.
Yes you can I will let them know, you're coming with Dexi.
Ok! Is my baby girl okay?
Yes she is cuddled against me. This exams really give her a bad anxiety.
I am in the car see you in 15 minutes
See you love!

Not even 15 minutes later I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say loud enough for her to hear. "Mummy?" "Yes love I am here! Your fluffy bestie is also here!" "Dexi?" "Yes love open your eyes." My girlfriend says sad, Julia opens her eyes and directly leaves my lap and sit down on the floor to cuddle Dexi. "Love come here!" I say, Rachel takes now place on my lap with her head in the crook of my neck. "Can you please tell her something about het results? I can't see her like this for a other 2 weeks." Rachel pouts looking at her daughter. "I told her that I will look in her marketing exams and will tell her my opinion but she isn't allowed to tell anyone. I also told her that it can change as a second teacher that needs to look at it." "I love you so much baby." She says kissing me. "Juul shall we go home?" She nods her head, she directly stands up. Rachel gives me a kiss and also stands up. "I will see you both in a few hours! Love you my girls!" I say to them, I directly open Julia's examens and look at them. I can't believe it she didn't have a result below a 7 out of 10. So I am really proud of her. After a few hours of checking all my students their exams I am going to Rachel and Julia's place. "Loves I am here!" I scream when I enter the house. I go to the living where they are laying cuddled up. "Juul please don't worry anymore! You don't have below a 7!" "Really?" She asks and I nod my head she runs to me and hugs me really tight. "I am so proud of you!" Rachel says joining in the hug.

It is 2 weeks later and today is the day Julia hears if she passed all her exams. I know she did but kept it a surprise. I took off my afternoon and so did Rachel so that we both are there when she gets her call. We are watching a serie when Julia's phone rings. She puts it on speaker and I film it. "Julia I can tell you, you passed all your exams in one time!" "Really? You're joking right?" She says looking to me so I shake my head. "No I am not! Congrats!" Her tutor said. "We will post your results tomorrow. Do you have any questions?" She doesn't have questions so puts the phone down. "I am so proud of you baby girl." Rachel says pulling her in a hug. "I am so proud of you, and I am so happy that I don't have to have this as a secret." I say as she hugs me. "Thanks for everything! I am so happy that I don't have to call you Mrs. Y/ln anymore." She chuckles. We order takeout and have a lazy evening. ~

Hey everyone, I hope you liked it! I have a question for you all. Are their some players or storylines you want to see? I don't have much inspiration at the moment. So please help me out.😄

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